8. oh canada

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"Good afternoon, What can I get you?" the guy behind the counter says. "One medium French Vanilla, please" I say, the guy nods and orders someone else to make it. "Anything else?" he asks, typing my order into the cash register. "Uhm, no thank you." He nods. "That'll be $2.49." I give him the money and walk ahead, waiting for my drink.

"You could've texted me you were here?" A voice speaks from behind me, making my turn around. "Oh, hey Madison. I know." I say. "One French Vanilla" The girl behind the counter says, placing the drink on top of it. "Thanks." I say, taking it and following Kelsey to where they're siting.

"Hey." I say as we arrive at a table in the back. "So what did they do?" Kelsey asks, taking a sip of her drink. "Really.. That's the question you wanted to ask him, and I quote: 'so badly'?" Grayson says. "Yes, it is. But never mind!" She says, and storms out. Grayson rolls his eyes and follows her short after.

"Well, it looks like this is going to be a fun time, doesn't it?" I state, breaking the awkward silence in hopes of a conversation. Without any luck, of course. So I grab my phone instead, scrolling through my photo's. My fingers stop abruptly when a photo of my mom fills my screen. "Who is she?" Kelsey soft voice fills my ears. Like everybody would do, I turn off my phone and put it away, mumbling a "No One." "Okay.." she says and moves back, looking out the window.

"Madison?" I ask, quietly. She just hums, as a yes. "I.. I'm really sorry for what I said earlier." I start. "It's fine, Jason." "No, it's not. I shouldn't have said that. I don;t know anything about what happened between you and your ex, it's really non of my business. A-" "Jason, it's okay.." She interrupts me. ".. I accept your apology." She adds, smiling at me. "So.. are we good?" I ask, smiling back. "Yes."

I think I'm getting the hang of the whole apologizing thing...

"..I mean it's not I really have a choice, I have to share a tent with you.." she adds. My eyes widen slightly at her sudden statement. "uuhhh.." "I'm kidding.. I actually really appreciate your apology.. I'm sorry to say this, but I didn't really.. expected you to.." she says, that beautiful smile reappearing on her face.

"Are you guys almost done? Cause Kelsey wants to leave.." Grayson asks, standing next to the table all of a sudden. "Yes." Madison says, standing up. "Oh.. are you done?" She asks, pointing to my cup. "uhh no, I'll take it along." I say, grabbing it. We follow Grayson outside.

As I get into my car, the passenger-side door opens and without a word, Madison gets in. "Hey, can I drive with you?" she asks, placing her bag in between her feet. "Sure." I reply, plugging in my phone and playing my worship playlist. From the corner of my eye I see Madison looking at my phone. "If you wanna listen to something else feel free." I say, handing her my phone. "Oh, no this is good." she says, putting her attention back on the road. "Are you religious?" I ask, surprised. "No, but the music is really encouraging and inspirational to me. This is actually one of my favorite songs at the moment." Madison replies.

- 1 hour later -

"We're almost here." I say as we drive in between huge trees.. "Oh my god it's so beautiful here!" She says. "Yeah, right?" I ask, well more like state. "So, you used to spend every vacation here?" "Yep, we had a spot reserved." I say, smiling, thinking back at the time my family was what you would call 'normal'. "What kinda stuff would you do?" Madison asks, still amazed by her surroundings. "There's a lot to do here. Rock climbing, canoeing, hiking.. there's even a golf course." "So cool! Do you think we can go paddle-boarding here?" Madison asks, looking at me. "uhm.. I don't know what that is.. but if it's in the water you can probably do it." "Right, you were i-.. uhm.. never mind.." She say, regret on her face. "I was in prison, yeah." I finish her sentence. Making her look at me. "It's okay to say it, you know. It's part of who I am now." I tell her. She nods and smiles at me, before looking outside again. "If anything I hope it will make you stronger." She says. "Yeah, hopefully."

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