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We ate our dinner on the dining table together as soon as my phone rang. I took my phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" The caller spoke up.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"Its from Hanyang hospital. Did you know Mr and Ms Han?"

"Yes its my parents."

"Sorry for this news.."

I gulped alot of saliva and my heart beats faster than usual.

"They passed away. Your parents had passed away. I'm sorry."

"W-why?" I said as i closed my mouth with my hand, shock is my expression now.

"The police found them in a crashed car. It means it was a car crash accident. The police send their body to our hospital."

I turned off the phone directly after the caller said that sentence. My body felt weak and all i can do is shivering and had alot of goosebumps.

I ate the ramyeon that y/n made for dinner. I'm so happy that my beloved old friend cooked for me delicious dinner. Im so happy. We ate together until a while, but suddenly y/n's phone rang. Im quite startled. When she took the phone up, i saw her face became darker and darker. I started to worry.

Why is she became like this so sudden? I need to prote-

All of a sudden, i saw she became weak and started to shiver after she ended the phone. I ran to her side and helped her.

"What's wrong y/n? Are you okay?" I asked her panicky

She don't answered me back, she went to the couch and teared all up.

I don't know why my eyes started to tear all up. My heart just broke into pieces. I can feel it so bad. Why it must be my parents? Why must this situation happen? This questions kept repeating in my mind.

"Hey! Hello?!" I waved his hands infront of her face after she's zoned out.

"Yeah?", She answered me in a really badmood

"Are you okay?!"

"Im just scared, im scared of this situation... it happens all of sudden. I haven't met them. It makes my heart broken." She said while tearing and sobbing.

I want to protect her, she was my gorgeous and only one bestfriend. I need to protect her no matter what will happen next.

I saw she was still tearing until her eyes were swollen. So i ended up hugging to comfort her a bit. Im happy that she hugged me back.

Its 11 pm, i need to tell to y/n to get some sleep because tommorow is school. It was boring as usual and i really hate it.

"Y/n its time to sleep, its getting midnight soon...", i told her with my sleepy expression.

"O-okay", she answered

Just for awhile, she talked.

"Jimin-ah, i'm scared. Can you accompany me just for this night? Cuz tommorow im leaving to my house." She said with a smooth voice.

"Y-yes of course!" I answered.

She went to the bed and i covered her with the blanket until it reached to her neck. I went to take a comfortable chair and sat next to her while watching her sleeping. She's really cute... Im so lucky that i had a friend like her.

Soon i felt my eyes became heavier and it all went into darkness.

I Hate You That I Love You, I Need You [K.T.H]Where stories live. Discover now