35.) Obsession

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Idea from Dinahs_lauren27. Thank you!

I have a question for you all. If I make a book about random shit will you all read it?? Comment yes or no!

Your POV

I am on my way to Lauren's office to drop off her lunch when I noticed a girl on the side of the road. Me being me wanted to be helpful to the poor girl who is stuck on the shoulder.

"Hey I notice you and stopped to see if I could help you with anything?"

"Oh my god that would make my day. My tire went flat on me." I studied her and seen what seemed to be coffee and pink frosting on her white blouse.

"Do you have a spare tire?"

"I do." The browned eyed girl said. She popped the trunk open, then removed the floor layer to reveal the spare tire.

"I'm guessing you don't have any tools?" She shook her head. I pulled the spare tire out and laid it flat on the ground.

"Well you're in luck." I walked back to my car and got out the tools needed to change the tire.

"So what's your name I just feel like I've met you or have seen you before? I'm Camila by the way."

"I'm Y/N Y/LN." I got the back end of the car up and started to loosen the lug nuts.

"Y/N Y/LN, why does that ring a bell?" She whispered to herself.

"I'm guessing you were heading off to work?"

"Yeah, it's been bad as if you can't tell by the coffee stains and doughnut frosting all over me." Camila chuckled.

"Where do you work at?"

"Jauregui Law Office."

"My name may ring a bell because Lauren is my girlfriend."

"That's right. I remember now." She snapped her fingers.

"I got it all done. Make sure you go get a spare just in case one of your other tires decides to poop out on ya."

"I will. So do you mind if I get your phone number? Lauren and I are good friends you don't think she'll mind?" Camila asked.

"Not at all." I let her put in her phone number and sent her a text so she had my number.

"Where are you heading too?"

"Same place you are actually. I need to drop Lauren's lunch off to her."

"You guys seem real happy together." I smiled at the thought of my girlfriend and nodded my head.

"Yes we are. You better get going. You're probably already late." Camila checked her wrist watch.

"I am." She got in her car and waved to me and she drove off. I collected all of my tools as put them back into my car.

|Time Lapse|

"Babe you're late. What happened?" Lauren asked.

"Well one of your employees had a flat tire so I helped her."

"Which employee?" Lauren raised her eyebrow.

"Camila." Her face said something, but I didn't know what.

"So how is work today?"

"Same old, same old."

"Aww baby, you have been working yourself to death. How about I treat you tonight?"

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