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Hi. My name is Jay. First off, you're probably wondering what the heck is going on. It's the zombie apocalypse, basically. My friends are dead, and- actually, I'll just tell you from the beginning.

It was a Tuesday. It has always been my favorite day of the week. Seems ironic now, huh? Lunchtime was when all hell broke loose. Of course, you wouldn't be able to tell what was about to happen just by looking at the cafeteria, or by looking at our small, insignificant school, for that matter. It's not big enough to get lost in, but not small enough to make people claustrophobic. It is covered in cracked, faded bricks, and is surrounded by a run-down McDonald's and empty buildings. During that specific lunchtime, the cafeteria was filled to the brim with all of the middle school students and staff talking loudly and being typical rowdy kids. While I ate, I hung out with my squad.

And no, we aren't just friends. We are Da Squad. Of course, the rest of them refuse to call it that.

Irony was common on that fateful day. Me, Andrew, Safiya, and Tarek were talking about who would survive the end of the world. Obviously, I would. And everyone else would die. But, of course, Andrew had his own opinion. Oh, you're too small to survive! Oh, you're too skinny to fight! Well guess what Andrew, I just hit my growth spurt at 14 (a few years late) and I've been working out! Of course, no one believes me or, frankly, cares. The conversation ultimately ended with everyone roasting me. As usual.

Just as the bell rang, I mentioned something about wishing I could prove I'd survive. Walking past me was Donelle, the hottest boy I've ever seen. He wore a tight polo shirt, kahki shorts, and a jacket annoyingly around his waist, who replied by saying "Nooo, zombies would be so scary!" Everyone snickered at him of course. Even my fellow squad-mates turned aroun- OW, TAREK. Ok, fine, I walked into that one.

Anyways, as I was saying, Bilal, Rhonda, Maryam, Zarah, and Zana, turned around to laugh as they cleaned up the area where they were eating. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Saudia, an "innocent" bystander, randomly dropped to the floor. Donelle shrieked and ran over to her to help, and a small crowd surrounded them. He gave her a hand, and she looked directly at me as she stood up. There was something weird about her, though. Her eyes looked cold and empty. I immediately broke out in a cold sweat. And for good reason. Within two milliseconds, she had bitten her 'savior' Donelle. It was such a loud crunch, I could have sworn she had bitten through some of his teeth. I never knew Saudia was that strong! Of course, the crunch was also loud enough for the rest of the cafeteria to hear. And the rest of the world, probably. Everyone turned their heads to see what had happened.

The sight was horrible. If you guys listening to this get squeamish, then too bad. Half of Donelle's neck was gone, his head hanging on a small strip of muscle and flesh. I could see his spinal cord through his gaping mouth. He coughed, and it came up towards his tongue. A little puff of blue dust came out of his mouth, and then he started to rot. Like, you know how old food gets when you leave it out for too long? That was his entire body right now. Even his neck grew back! Explains why zombies turn green! His hand twitched a little, and his pinky finger fell off and landed on the lunch table. It proceeded to curl up smaller than humanly possible and then jumped onto the floor. Donelle looked disgusting. I mean, more disgusting than before (no offense, you just seem to hate us as a zombie).

A second later, complete and utter chaos broke out. Kids started crying and screaming. Some teachers tried to keep the peace while others ran away some ran away. Cowards. What're they paid for?

Da Squad got split up as well. Rhonda and Andrew ran towards the bathrooms near the main door (no doubt to fix their hair), Bilal, Tarek, Zana, and Zarah went towards the middle school hall, and Maryam, Safiya and I sprinted to the back door.

All at once we stopped. The nine of us looked at each other and had a silent argument. I thought we stood a better chance in the woods out the back, where I had hidden a knife. Rhonda said that in the parking lot we could steal a car and drive away. For better or worse, we went with my plan.

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