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I can't believe this is happening! The zombie apocalypse! I'd only ever read about it in books, seen it in movies, or been forced to listen whenever Jay decided to ramble on about it. Sometimes he can be, like, sooo annoying. Lauren this, Lauren that. Geez! When does it end?

Anyways, we were running from Zombie Saudia, who I had, like, heroically defeated a few minutes earlier. No one ever said thanks, by the way! Unfortunately, my friends ahead of me, Zarah, and Maryam kept getting farther and farther away. Am I really that slow? I mean, I knew I wasn't, like, the fastest, but did I have to be one of the turtles?! I tried to push myself further, knowing that my life depended on it, but I just couldn't.

I knew we were doomed when I could no longer see Zana's jacket swaying back and forth. Hopefully, she'll notice her missing BFF and turn back, I silently prayed.

Zarah was running slightly ahead of me, and Maryam was right next to me. At least I have some friends with me until the end. Yes, I know it wasn't the end because I lived to tell the tale, but I live for cheesy moments!

As soon as I thought happy thoughts, our situation took a turn for the worse.

Far in front of me, Tarek tripped over his own feet and fell face first into a big rock in the path. Zarah immediately went into super-woman mode and ran her fastest towards Tarek, which is about two miles per hour for her. She leaned down and rolled Tarek's limp body onto his back. She immediately started barking orders at Maryam and me to find her some leaves, as she tore off the sleeves of her shirt.

We brought her what she needed and she used the softest leaves she could find to cover the gash in Tarek's head, and then tied her sleeves around his head, holding the leaves in place.

Honestly, she is like our personal mom!

We were definitely separated from the others by now. I wonder how far they ran before they realized they had lost their most talented friend. I quickly snatched my phone from my pocket to try calling Zana.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

"Cannot call BEST FRIEND"

I figured the cell towers were down and wondered how the zombies were so fast. Weren't they supposed to be slow? I glanced at my watch and saw that lunch had been, like, a whole hour ago. Time flies when you're running for your life!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard an annoying shriek. I looked over at Zarah on her phone, she must have realized there was no service.

"Oh my god, oh my god! What are we going to do? We have no chance now!" Zarah blabbered as she paced back and forth across the path we had stopped at to help Tarek.

"Zarah, now is really not the time to be making loud noises. You could, like, attract more zombies! And my ears hurt." I tried to calm her, but she just wouldn't quit her yapping.

"Zee, stop! Tarek is dying over there, and complaining isn't gonna help him!" Maryam burst out, impressing me, and actually calming Zarah down.

I looked up at Maryam and saw that she had found a flat stone and was sharpening it on a larger rock.

"Fine, fine. I'll keep it down. It's just that, a lot of our friends were recently killed, and I'm really scared that we might be next! At least a hundred kids from our school were probably bitten, and they could be anywhere right now!" Zarah said, and then pulled back, probably expecting Maryam to mock her.

"Don't worry, you have every right to be scared! Anyone who isn't scared will die! You just have to push back your fear, and focus." Maryam consoled her.

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