chapter 1 (pilot)

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Stu sat in his bed, tears rolling down his face as a pen was in his hand, a book in his lap.

His mouth was dry, his hands were cold and clammy. His stomach ached as he hadn't ate for a week.

He had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, even though his bed was such a mess from tossing and turning for hours on end.

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm down. He's had so many panic attacks since he's stoped all contact with everyone.

The band grew apart, no one talks to each other anymore. Everyone left him on his own.

Russell has a apartment with noodle now, and murdoc is nowhere to be found.

All by himself, all by himself.

What could go wrong?



Just a pilot chapter, nothing special. I do suggest you read the following, it's kinda important. Actually, really important.

So, this is gonna be just a "I'm writing for fun and practice!" Story, as I am not really sure if I want to write story's or draw for a living. (Probably draw if I'm honest) I just wanna see how much love this can get.


this story will have the following,
Self harm
And anything like that.

If you can not handle it or it is a trigger, (it is for me but oh whale) then please DONT and I repeat DONT read this.

I do not want anyone to relapse, or anything like that, please if you do think about this stuff, tell someone. Please.

Thanks for reading.

My dms are always open.

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