Internet boyfriend ~ Corbyn

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Your pov
I was on the on my way to Los Angeles to finally meet my internet best friend/boyfriend. Who I started talking with about two years ago. At first when he told me he was Corbyn Besson I didn't believe him there are plenty of people out there catfishing. But since I loved talking to this person I decided to shrug it of.

When he asked me to facetime for the first time I was super excited, I was finally gonna be able to see the person I was chatting with and when I actually saw the Corbyn Besson on my phone screen I was shocked. Why would someone like him genuinely be interested in how your day was going and other stuff.

After about nine months of texting, face timing and calling each other, I started growing feelings for him. At first I was scared to tell him, thinking it would ruin our friendship. But it turned out he liked me too. That day when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I felt like the happiest girl to ever walk earth.

And now after two years I'm finally gonna meet him in person. To say I am nervous was an understatement. What if he thinks that I look horrible in real life. Or that I'm annoying.
My thoughts were interrupted by the pilot saying we were almost gonna land in LAX.


Corbyn's pov
I was waiting for y/n to get out of the plane. I was seeing a lot of people coming out of the gate and reunite with their loved ones but none of them were y/n. "What if she didn't come because she doesn't want to meet me?" I asked turning to Jack. "Chill bro, she loves you I'm sure she'll come. You just need to have some patience."

That's when I felt something crashing into me causing me to fall on the floor. When I looked up I saw y/n's beautiful face hover over me. She grabbed my face in between her two soft hands and  kissed me forcefully.

"I can't believe it's actually you." She whispered after breaking the kiss. "You're even more beautiful in person." I murmured against her lips. "Guys, maybe you should get up. You're getting weird looks." Jack remarked looking down at the two of us laying on the floor.

Your pov
After standing up I turned around to the curly haired boy who I had already talked to a lot when I was face timing with Corbyn. "It's nice to finally meet the girl who claimed this idiots heart in person." Jack said in a weird voice while extending his hand.

"Why so formal poodle? Just give me a hug." I laughed opening my arms which Jack accepted with a laugh. After a few seconds I broke the hug turning to Corbyn again. "We should head home." corny said taking my hand in his and using the other one to carry my suitcase. 

"So where am I gonna stay?" I questioned putting my luggage in the trunk. "I was thinking you could just stay at our place unless you're not comfortable with that you can always go to a hotel?" Corbyn rambled scratching the back of his neck. "I think I'm just gonna stay at your place." I responded with a big smile which Corbyn returned.

"I call dibs on the front seat." Jack screamed pulling us out of our trace an earning him a glare from Corbyn. "You are not sitting in the front seat." He said in a very serious tone making you let out a giggle. "Okay okay, I'll just take the backseat." Jack let out with a laugh. 


"Your house is amazing." I said dropping my suitcase and backpack on the floor of Corbyn's bedroom after he had given me a house tour. "I'm glad you like it." Corbyn said pressing a kiss to my lips. "This month is gonna be amazing." he added pulling me on the bed with him.

A/n: There will be a part 2 of this

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