You have lots of questions.
If you ask about God,
We'll tell you about Jesus.
-Geert BoogaartJesus and His Father
I'm sure you are talking about you're parents with a friend sometimes. About how stupid or irritating your mother is. And about how mad your father was about your bad grade for math. The word father can call up lots of thoughts. If you have a sweet, nice father, you might think that God is a little bit like him. But if you're father gets mad very fast, or if he's never interested in you, then the word father isn't something positive to you. Then you might find it difficult to call God a Father.
One day, the disciples ask Jesus: 'Lord, learn us to pray!' Then, Jesus learned them the "Our Father." They would've been so amazed! That wasn't something they were used to: in the whole Old Testament, God has been called a Father only 15 times. But, in the four gospels, Jesus speaks about 170 times of God as His Father! Jesus calls God His Father, and invites you to do the same.
And do you know what's so amazing? To know who God is as a Father, you don't have to look at your own father. You can look at Jesus and who He is.Jesus says: Who has seen me, has seen the Father.
John 14:9Lord Jesus, I want to learn to know You better. Because, when I know You better, I learn to know Your Father. Thank You for being the way to the Father.
Gods word for girls
SpiritualHey everybody! I have a beautiful Bible dairy at home, and I've been wanting to share it with people. But there is one problem: it is written in Dutch! And that's why I will translate every story in English for you guys. Every page consists of a sta...