Chapter 4

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It had been a week since she had seen Tom, and she was still upset

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It had been a week since she had seen Tom, and she was still upset. He got angered so easily, and it made it hard for her to even have a relationship with him. The way he grabbed her, he could have seriously hurt her. And the way he yelled, it really hurt her, despite her acting like she was irritated with him. The demon had serious anger issues, and did not want to associate with someone like that, no matter how much it disappointed her parents.

Star sharpened her axe diligently, she was getting ready to go to the Forest of Certain Death to battle more of Ludo's monsters. It was something she enjoyed doing a lot. She liked to have fun. 

"A package for Princess Star Butterfly," a voice said.

She stopped what she was doing and raced down the steps to front of the Castle. A mailman stood there, holding a decently-sized package in his hands. Star took it from him and shut the door.

"Ooo! A package, I wonder who it's froooooo... ugh." She rolled her eyes as she saw the name on it.

"To: Star Butterfly / From: Tom Lucitor"

"I wonder what it could be." She tore open the package, not as enthusiastically as she was before. The gently opened the box and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Hey Starship, I'm really sorry about my behavior last week. I hope you can forgive me. I'm sure you don't want to be bothered with me right now, but I hope we could date again in the future, after I get some anger management classes.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this gift. It's some red horns I picked up at a carnival here in the Underworld. I thought they would look great on you. You have beautiful hair and I think they would add a nice touch. Anyway, see ya around.

Love, Tom"

As the letter said, Star looked in the box and there were a pair of horns inside, she picked up the headband and took off her princess tiara before putting them on her head, and she smiled to herself. She loved them, and she thought they suited her. Although, she was still angry with Tom and didn't want to talk with him for a while more. He may try to control her mind or something, as he was pretty crazy according to her last encounter with him.

Star happily went back upstairs, grabbed her axe and ran outside.


"Annnd that's pretty much it." Star took another ship from the nearly empty bowl.

Marco looked at his friend, his mouth half open. Star reached over and closed his mouth. He shook his head.

"Wow, I can see why you broke up with him, that guy is crazy," he exclaimed.

"Tell me about it," Star sighed, "One time I opened a box of his lost souls and one of the souls flew up my nose. I was talking backwards and walking like a crab for 8 hours straight."

Marco clenched his teeth. " I know why you don't date demons."

"Never again," Star said, "he's trying to change though, and he apologized, and he gave me this adorable headband, so I guess we're on good terms."

Marco twitched. "He cheats at ping pong, he tried to torture me. He thinks I'm trying to take you away from him!"

Star blinked. "Eh, I guess you're right. Anyway, wanna go to the sandwich dimension and get a bite to eat?"

"Star, you just ate two bowls of nachos."

"I'm still hungry, though. That story-telling really wore me out."

Marco went upstairs. "I'm going to bed, Goodnight, 'Starship'."

Star giggled, and followed him upstairs to her room. "Night Marco!"

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