Chapter 2: The Ingression

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Lee Shin and I were the perfect couple in the eyes of many. We ride horses together, bathe in the springs, and watch the skies at night. Even distributing goods to our people, we lend help personally. We were living our teenage life together.

Just when everyone was being grateful that we came into each other's lives, someone was secretly watching us in the shadows. And her envy was building rapidly inside her.


"I'm offering your throne back. And all I want in return is Prince Lee Shin. Leave him and I'll be his wife." She trailed her steps around me.

After receiving an invitation from my former kingdom, I wasn't expecting that my stepsister was the one who called for me. And what made me want to punch her, was the fact of making a deal with me for the goal of stealing my prince.

"What? Gaeun, do you know what you're saying?"

I balled my fists when my confusion shifted to anger. After finding something that is greater than what they had stolen, they're here again to get what was left of me.

"I said it. I want him. Give him to me sister." She hissed. Her eyes glared with aggression.

She was pathetic. Since she came in my life, all she did was stealing what I have. And after I let her take my place in my kingdom, she now wants to get the man that have become my reason of living?


My hand went up to hit her face real hard. I was already raging from anger that my breaths were heaving hysterically.

"You can never get anything from me again. Never!" I yelled in her swollen face before I stormed out of the garden. That must've been the first time I fought back to her. And the first time I got that violent. But I would keep on doing that, if my prince was the one who's at stake.


After that, I never heard of my half-sister. I never wandered back to their kingdom. Except that I often visit grandma's own house that was nearby their land. All was calm then.

But just as I thought everything was safe and sound. And nothing can bound us separately from each other. The day of the most horrid tragedy took place, when the bloody catastrophe had left its grave and have awaken again.

But this time, the merciless soldiers were already right before our eyes, hungry for every drop of blood.


"Ahhhhh!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs when I was grabbed by the neck, causing me to get hanged in the air.

The palace has now become a bloody battlefield. Our guards were losing. If not dead, they were already in the midst of taking their last breath. And I knew I was next when an armored soldier prepared to plunge his sword.

But just before that sharp object could slice away my life, I was free again when someone outwitted the dangerous opponent. I watch it fall to his knees before the sight of my savior.

I flung my arms around him as my tears fall from the thought of an impending death.

"Hurry, run! Don't stop! Don't look back!" Lee Shin shoved me away.

But before I could ask him to make an escape together, his eyes suddenly shot wide open. Then blood began to spurt out his mouth. I shook my head many times as I cried. I couldn't believe what was happening right before my eyes.

I watch him fall on the ground as his life was leaving his body rapidly.

"Run..." I hear him whisper despite the loud warfare.

I collapsed next to him when he took his last breath. I cried hard as I leaned by his chest. I didn't cared of saving my own life anymore. I didn't want to live my life without him. So as I wish to follow him to his grave, I knew I will be with him again in no time.

Then someone grabbed my arm away from him. I knew that person was saving me when a pair of arms secured me when I was struggling to escape the hold.

I don't want to be saved. I wanted to end my pain right here. And death would be the only way.

But though I was using all my force to get away and reunite with his barren body, this person just succeeded in dragging me into a secret compartment by the edge of the palace.

I had one final glance of his lifeless body, before my vision blacked out.


"'re hurting me too every time I see you like this." Grandma appeared by the door, then sat next to me.

I was curled up in the corner of my room as my tears were rolling out again. I'm always remembering him. And those memories would always bring me to nothing but complete depression.

Right after that last scene, I woke up in grandma's place. I didn't got the chance to meet the person who saved my useless life. But grandma told me that it was my half-sister, Gaeun, who brought me to her. And when she left, she never came back again.

At first I didn't believe it. How could my life-long rival have such mercy in saving me? But as I come to think of it, she was indeed paying me off more pain. She couldn't let me die, when she knew I would greatly suffer for the rest of my life.

It's been three days after all blood in the kingdom was drained. It's been three days of endless crying, endless pain that was slowly killing me in agony. A kind of death that would never meet its end.

"You know, I think I should tell you this right now." She spoke again when all I was making was loud cries of grief.

"I know a way to let you see him again." She continued, but this time, I suddenly turned to look at her.

"W-What do y-you mean?" I asked.

"We're not the only one living with our bodily image. There are more different versions of us out there. And so as your prince. You can see him again, if you transport to a whole new place. A whole new universe, Mihan-ah."

I was dumbfounded. How can that be even possible? Does that mean I have copies of myself too? Does that mean Lee Shin is only one amongst a crowd of men having the same appearance as him?

Does that mean I still have lots of chances in seeing my prince again? Being able to touch him once more, love him, and be with him forever.

"H-How?" I asked as my tears hindered down.


"Grandma...I'll miss you." I hugged her tight one last time.

After we began our long journey in the thick forest, we were already in front of a dark but lucent portal in the abyss of a narrow cave.

Grandma has told me everything. About the truth that she came out of this portal from her original world a long time ago. Not a thing was left from her past life but her human being. She tried going back. But she found out that once you transport into another world, you'll not be able to go back anymore.

She never met her double in this world, because she have already died before her. But though she investigated the life of her copy, and it was completely different from hers.

It made me hesitate though. I'll be meeting a person with the same looks as him, but a whole different person by character.

And what if his copy in the other world have already departed too? My reason of going there would still be left unresolved. But I have obviously no choice but to take chances. I'll risk everything just to find myself together with him again.

"Remember. If you find your double, stay close to her as possible. She will help you."

Those were her last words before I jumped in the hole of suction.

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