Rumors and Counseling

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Second period was over, but I still had four more left.

I left second period and while I walked down the hall I heard people whispering... whispering about me.

I went to a locker where I heard a few girls talking about me and eavesdropped.

"Mrs. Brady told the whole class how crazy she was, and how she needed counseling. I knew something was wrong with that chick. She's insane and now everyone knows it." One of the girls gossiped.

I leaned my forehead against the locker and let my thoughts overtake me.

"They can't possibly think I'm insane."

"They do and they have a pretty good reason."

"So what if I'm talking to myself? Who else am I supposed to talk to?"

"People are just going to make fun of me even more if they think I'm crazy. Just add that to the 'list of reasons to torment Sutton Lewis'."

"Hey, it's just a rumor. Who believes in rumors anyway?"

"Everyone. Everyone believes in rumors at this school." I muttered to myself.

I stopped talking to myself when I realized someone was behind me. "You're talking to yourself. You really are crazy." The voice laughed. I turned around noticed that it Christie Evans. "Now get your crazy ass off my locker." She demanded.

Christie was one of the many people I didn't bother with. I tried my best to stay out of her way. She would usually shove me to the ground and kick me until I could barely breathe. Then she would yell at me for infecting her shoes and spit on me. Christie was being nice today. Well, as nice as she can be anyway. I must have caught her on a good day. She probably just got back together with Josh. Yeah. Josh and Christie make my life a living hell together. Talk about couple goals.

Mrs. Brady told me that I needed to skip lunch and go straight to Miss Meredith's office for my counseling session. I would usually skip lunch anyway because that's the period where someone would usually dump soup on my head, dare someone else to touch me for five dollars, or pull my seat from under me (and that being if I even had anywhere to sit on that day).

"Sutton, you need to answer all the questions I ask you, and nothing else." Miss Meredith growled, fed up with me.

"I did. I told you that I skip study hall because there are people in that class that bully me." I state.

"Look. You have told teachers that you have been bullied for a while now, but there just aren't any witnesses."

"Of course no one will confess to bullying me!"

"Please don't raise your voice at me."

"If you want proof, then look at my arm!" I exclaim pulling up my sleeve showing her my bruises.

Miss Meredith gasped,"Are your parents abusing you!?"

"What? No! I told you that it is everyone at this school. I'm lucky if I make it down the hall without someone tripping me!" I exclaimed, confused why she would think my parents would abuse me.

"I am going to make sure that you get a good home, but I need you to admit that your parent are hurting you."

"They aren't!" I yell jumping out of my seat.

"Sutton, just please calm down."

I walk over to her window and look out at the clouds. "Don't you ever wish that your life was different?" I ask.

"No." She answered truthfully.

"You wanna know where I go instead of first period?" I ask her.


"I go to the roof and lay up there watching the clouds wishing how I can be free, like them."

Miss Meredith called my parents and told them how I desperately needed a psychiatrist because I was hurting myself and obviously insane. She recommended a psychiatrist named Carla Sawyer and said that I needed to get some help if I wanted to continue to go to Ames High. I didn't want to continue to go to Ames, but my parents made me.

I have to see Dr. Sawyer for the rest of the school year.

Now my parents think I'm insane.

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