• N I N E •

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• P A R E N T S W I L L •

I laid in my bed staring at the celling, still in shock. It's past midnight now and I have school tomorrow. After dinner I met Elizabeth in her office and she told me everything the will had written on it.

Apparently, since my brother was no longer here, everything that was my parents and anything that was my brothers is all mine

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Apparently, since my brother was no longer here, everything that was my parents and anything that was my brothers is all mine. My parents houses, any beach houses, all there money, cars, even our yacht is mine. I was still surprised.

Me, a seventeen year old girl, almost 18, is richer than she could ever imagine. I sigh rolling around in my bed. My mind flashed back to what happened at dinner today.

Elizabeth and john were talking to me and asking me about how school went today, when all of the sudden something fell on the floor making a clattering noise. It was jack, he dropped his spoon.

He was glaring daggers at his food and forcefully picking it up and eating it, "jack honey, are you alright?" Elizabeth asked him, he scraped his chair back and stood up glaring at me then at his parents.

"No I'm not alright" he yelled, "jack" john scolded him, "that's no way to talk to you your mother" he added on, "jack honey, what's wrong?" Elizabeth asked sweetly.

"What wrong is that you keep asking her how school was when you don't even pay attention to your own kids" he spat out, making me eyes go wide, "you should be asking us how school went, not her, we are your kids not her" he gave me a pointed look.

Everyone else gasp at his sudden behaviour, "jack" john said warningly, "no, it true, you don't ever pay attention to your own kids. Ever since she came to our house, you both have always been talking to her, asking her if she's alright, needs any help with anything. You never ask me or any of us. She has her own parents who can do that, where are they, why is she even staying in our house" he said, I gulp at the word 'Parents', tears prick my eyes as I sit staring at this boy in disbelief.

"Go to your room now" john yells at him, standing up with a furious look on his face

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"Go to your room now" john yells at him, standing up with a furious look on his face. Jack glared at me before turning around and running upstairs to his room.

John turns to me, "I'm so sorry for what jack-" I put my hand up stopping him from speaking. "It's okay" I croak out walking past everyone and upstairs. I walk past jacks room and hears sobs.

I feel my heart break in two. He feels as if I'm trying to take his parents away from him. I knock on his door, 'go away' I faintly hear. I decide to go in, beside him telling me not to, I had talk to him.

I stand up form my bed and walk to the balcony opening the doors and letting the cold air hit my bare arms, since I'm dressed in a long time t-short which belongs to my brother and my black lace undergarments which Maria got me from Victoria secret.

The talk I had with jack went surprisingly well. I didn't tell him the reason I walked staying with his family because I just wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. I don't even think I've accepted the truth myself.

I don't think I've accepted the fact that I've lost my family. I lost the ones I love and I don't think I will ever, ever accept the truth. My hands tighten around the balcony railing.

A tear rolls out of my eye, I look up at the sky, staring at the stars above, "thank you

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A tear rolls out of my eye, I look up at the sky, staring at the stars above, "thank you....thank you for everything, you were the best parents and brother I could ever wish for" I whisper, my eyes closing as the cold wind hits my face.

I wipe my tears away and just look up at the night sky, wondering what life would be like if nothing happened and we were all at home, one big happy family.

I jump slightly feeling a fluffy blanket being placed around me, turning around slightly I see grey eyes already staring into mine. He wraps the blanket around himself and me. He walks over the round sofa which is placed on the balcony and sits us down.

I lay down dragging Carter down with me as we were sharing the blanket. He fixes the blanket so it's on top of us as our heads rest on the pillows. "What are doing here?" I asked him, looking at the stars. "I couldn't sleep" was he's reply.

"Are you okay?" He asks a little concerned. I nod giving him a small smile. I turn my body so I'm laying on my side facing Carter. He does the same, his black hair falling down on to his face slightly.

My hand reaches up and pushes it, I take this chance to run my fingers through his hair, unitive a ghost small playing at his, "it's 1am and we have school tomorrow. Go sleep, you don't want to be late for your 2nd day of school do you" he smirks slightly, I roll my eyes at him, lightly smacking his chest as he pulls me close to him.

I just now realised that he's only wearing sweatpants, no shirt. Also the fact that I'm wearing a t-shirt which reaches mid thigh and had ridden up a bit showing my lace underwear. I felt heat rush to my cheeks immediately as Carter eyes land on it.

I pull the blanket up further so it stop at my chest, "good night" I whisper quickly, closing my eyes as I hear a low chuckle from Carter. I find myself drifting to sleep.

I feel myself being pulled close to Carter. My head rests on his chest as he wraps the blanket around us and then his arms protectively around me.


Short chapter, I'm sorry😞

Please do check out my other books:
• Best mistake
• Fearless
• Summer romance
• Gangleaders baby
• Forever mine

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