• T W E N T Y •

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"Your so cute" I said pinching Carters cheeks, he smacks my hands away, "I'm not cute."

"Then what are you?" I ask as I play with his hair. We are currently laying on my bed. Well, him kind of laying on top of me but he had his elbow propped up, while playing with the ends of hair.

"I'm more along the lines hot, sexy, charming-"

"Conceited, arrogant" I cut him off, chuckling as he pouts.

"Aw, don't pout, it doesn't suit."

"Why don't you make me?" He challenged, deepening his pout even further. I smile and maybe slightly smirked, "I will."

My lips connect with his, he instantly kissed back, I pull away as a small smile is on his face. His right hand rests on my hip as his left one makes it's way to my face and he re-connects our lips.

I felt like someone set off a thousand fireworks in my stomach as he deepens the kiss using his tongue to explore every aspect of my mouth.

We pull away slightly before our lips meet again. Kissing Carter was like going to war for me in my stomach. It churned but in a good way. He made me feel things that I haven't felt before, it felt good.

I flipped us over so he was laying down while I straddled him. Our bodies pushing together even further, I couldn't seem to get enough of him. His hand lowering down my sides and rests on ass.

My hand runs up and down his chest felling his muscles as the other one is placed on his cheek and near his jawline.

We pull away for a breathe, our foreheads touching, breathing deeply as his grey eyes stare deep into mine with an emotion which I can't exactly make out.

I lower my head and latch my lips to his jaw line. Leaving slow, sensual kisses. I work my way down to his neck, his breathing hitched and I knew I was kissing the right spot.

I suck and nibbled on the skin, leaving a small yet visible Love bite. His skin soft to the touch.

"Angle..." his voice low and raspy. I hum in response as I continue to kiss his neck. My hand slipping under his shirt. "God the things you do to me" he spoke out as I took his shirt off leaving him in his boxer and grey sweatpants.

Kissing down his neck and down his chest, slightly looking up to see him looking down at me with his mouth slightly open.

I smirk slightly, keeping eye contact with him while I kiss down his abs and to the waist ban of his boxers and then to where his sweatpants were.

With one motion, I lick, from his waist all the way to his neck, making sure to lick his abs. His breath, once again hitched.

Our lips almost touching as my fingers slide under his boxers I whisper,

"Take them off."


"Your such an asshole" I grumble as I use concealer to cover up the love bite on my neck.

"You asked for it" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "No I didn't" I reply pushing his arms away as I grab my dark green bomber jacket and put it on.

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