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Romeo Pov
A year has passed since my first day attending Totomaru class and now I'm a full fledged wizard of fairy tail and I'm just about to set out on my first job  with Alzack and Bisca I cant wait
12 hours later
How did this go so wrong it was just a simple escort mission now this is turn into a battle for our lives the three of us and the client are suronding on all sides by a pack of wolfs at least 7 ft talk with fangs the size of my arm man just how did my first mission turn into this
Earlier that day
Romeo Alzack and Bisca were waiting outside the local tavern in Magnolia to meeting  with the client a man named Harous a friend of Mister Yjema who request was sent to fairy tail in hopes of helping the guild out at least a little bit. An old man approach them dressed in a merchant's tunic brown in color with a sun hat sating atop his head the man spoke " So your my escort huh hope your as good as Yjema said else things will be pretty bad " "Exactly what are we doing here sir" question Alzack "Nothing  really just need you mages to Safeguard me while I make my way through the forest of Alba while I pick up some ingredients for some potions I'm working on" explained Harous "Alright lets get to it then" Bisca encouraged with that we were off
(Present  Time)
Dodging another sweep of the beasts claws I return the atack with one of my own
blue flame launching the colored flame at the beast who responds with a cry of pain I hear the sounds of battle around me
Tornado Shot
Requip: Tommy Gun
Alzack and Bisca let lose their their attacks on the pack regrouping with them the three of us get ready to finish this as we charge a tremor runs throughout the forest causing me to lose my balance we here a noise that sound like footsteps approaching us turning to the source of the noise we see a enormous purple creature with fangs and two bull like horns atop of it head with a mane running acrossed it spine ( think a behemoth from final fantasy on four legs) the beast lets loose a roar of such power that it caused another small tremor to stretch throughout the forest the other monsters who we were fighting were already beganing to flee for their survival before we could do the same the monstrosity began charging forcing us to dodge as a battle ensured during the battle Alzack instructed Harous to flee while the three of us let loose our attacks in hope of delaying this monstrosity long enough so he could escape
Blue flame
Tornado Shot
Tommy  Gun
The three spells hit their mark and cloud of smoke formed only to be blown away by a roar from our foe "What strength" gasped Alzack "Our attacks didn't even phase it " spoke Bisca in disbelief
"We have to retreat" "Right" with that the three of began fleeing as we neared the glades exit an explosion occurred right in front  of me sending me flying through the air soon ragdolling me across  the ground after one last meeting with the ground I came to a stop Running on adrenaline I pushed myself off the ground only to see  the trees blocking my escape and a magic circle fading from a spot on the ground looking towards the monster the adrenaline from the battle quickly left me in its place fear overcame me and the  pain from my injuries begins ringing throughout my body unable to endure it I let out a cry of pain I falling to my knees I begin to black out the last thing I notice is a human figure approaching me.

End of chapter  

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