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An: this is here to help explain a bit about Raze in regards to his magic at least currently I don't know what to call it so I will just try to help you understand it but to do that I will have to tell my theory on how magic works so if you don't care skip this First off when a wizard goes to cast a spell they gather some of the magic in the surrounding area and then use their own magic to alter it's properties and in some cases like Gray's or Lyon's it's shape as well
Raze however can channel the magic flowing through the world
if you have any questions message me and I will try to explain
now on to the story
Romeo POV
It had been a couple weeks since the fight with the monster and now their is only a week left before it is time to head back to the guild and instead of training I'm here in Crocus with Sensei on our way to the castle thanks to Sensei receiving a call asking for him to return Princess orders
the two of us arrived at the Castle where we were stop by the guards Raze stopped to address the two "What is the meaning of this" "Sorry sir but we can't allow this boy to enter the castle we were only given permission to allow you to pass" shaking his head in annoyance before correct the two " This boy is my apprentice Romeo Conbolt he is to have access to the castle like myself from now on understand their will be no more restriction placed upon his entrance got it " shaking in fear the two guards nodded their heads and bowed before stepping aside with that done we made our way inside the garden and into the castle that followed where we met up with a man dressed in a suit of armor with spiky hair and a pointy nose he spoke with great respect "I take it you are Sir Raze" nodding his head in confirmation he returned the question "Yes and you are" holding out his hand the pointy nosed man spoke "I'm Arcadios personnel guard to her highness Princesses Hisui" shaking his hands Sensei smiled at the man "Nice to meet you Arcadios" " It is an honour Sir if you would please follow me I will show you to where the princess is waiting" with that Aracadios led us into the hallway and through a set of doors which opened up into some kind of lounge sitting on a red couch was a lady with long green hair wearing an expensive looking dress as we took our sit across from her as Raze greeted her"It good to see you again your highness" bowing her head she spoke with a gentle voice "You as well Raze" I was shocked I couldn't believe it "Sensei your friends with the Princess?" glancing at me "Friends isn't the word I would use but yes" turning to look at the princess who returned my look
as she spoke"I take it your the apprentice I have been hearing about now what was your name" just as I was about to answer her she placed her finger on her chin and tilted her head before snapping her fingers " Ah yes Romeo your name is Romeo right" nodding my head I was a little surprised she knew my name before I could question her she spoke again " how about you go get something to eat while me and Raze discuss things" I shaking my head "I'm not hungry" however my stomach disagreed as it began growling the princess let out a giggle then called over two guards "You two how about you show this young man to the dinning hall and tell the chiefs to prepare whatever he wish" they bowed "Yes your highness" with that I was led away by the two through more hallways before and a set of large doors which reveal the largest room yet big enough to hold the whole guild with room to spare "Welcome to the Dinning Hall kid" before I could gawk anymore I was approached by a chief and after a bit of indecisiveness i told them what I was in the mood to eat (I will leave to your imagination)
After eating my fill I was on my way to meet up with Sensei whistling a happy tone
"Man that was good" however my good mood was quickly diminished once I heard shouting coming from the lounge as I stopped in front of the door it was flung open as Sensei marched out looking in I saw the Princess with a sour expression on her face decided that it was best to just follow Sensei chasing after him I called out "Wait up Sensei" after catching up to him I decided to question him "So What happened" he shook his head "Nothing kid you don't need to concern yourself" getting a little frustrated I question him again"That a lie something happen with the Princess right?" He shook his head again "No the princess didn't do anything" I was very confused noe " So then what happen" turning to me he let out a long sigh "Nothing at least not yet anyway" I was even more confused now "What do you mean" taking a breathe as he answered me "Look I can't tell you everything that was discussed not only is it classified but it also cause I'm not sure what to make out of it their is chance that something will happen that will cause a lot of people to get hurt" "So what can we do" shaking his head "Nothing that's the problem we can't do anything we are helpless until it happens or not" "So then why are you freaking out if all we can do is wait" stopping at a balcony "You of all people should know why it is the same reason why you wanted to learn magic" stepping up beside him to look at the night sky as I recalled my past feelings "You mean being helpless" "Yes the whole reason why I'm freaking out is because I don't want to be helpless like before" after a few minutes I realized what he said "So what exactly happen to you that made you feel helpless " turning his gaze to me"You ask me what happen as if it was a single thing but truthfully there are many factors " feeling a little agitated I turned to glare at him "Don't do that" a smile smirk graced his face as he turn his gaze to the sky "What do you mean" letting out a small growl "You know exactly what the cryptic speaking thing" he let a small laugh as he spoke "Relax kid I will tell you but It it is not a happy story" smiling at him I made myself comfortable against the railing as he began his story "It all happen when I was eight years old I used to live in a small village that resided in a valley at the base of Mont Xion
General POV
Cries of joy and excitement filled the air as crowds of people gathered in the center of the Village of Kino it was time to celebrate the harvest however the cries of joy from the crowd quickly turned to those of terror as one of the Village Hut exploded after being hit by a ball of fire the Villagers quickly scatter with mothers rushing to gather up their children and lead them to safety as the men races raced to prepare for battle the source of this attack was group of bandits ready to raid the village one of the mothers a small brown haired women scoop up a boy no older than 8 with black hair into her arms and made her way into the hut closing the door behind her
Young Raze POV
My mother sat me down on the floor once we were inside "What happening mom" she smiled at me"Nothing dear everything going to be okay" embracing me in her arms she began rubbing my back returning the embrace I buried my head in her chest for awhile we just sat there holding each other just as I was  starting to relax the door was blow open turning our heads to glance at a the intruder a scared man holding a longsword in his hands "Well well well look what I found here" stepping in front of me my mother confronted the man"Stay back" she said with obvious fear the man smirk "Well ain't that cute mommy thinks she can protect you" he then started laughing
My mother had slap the man in the face this caused him to growl and let out an angry shout "You bitch"smacking  her to the ground I clinched my  fist and  rushed at only to barely move  him back a few steps letting out another growl he raising his sword "that it I have had enough of you" he moved to slash me only for my mother to tackle  him out of the way and pin him to the wall as the blade pierced her stomach causing blood to splatter on the ground with a  labored breathe she called out to me "Raze run" locking my eyes with hers I saw the tears in them feeling my own eyes leaking as well sharing was last look with my mom
  I ran out the door and through the village avoiding everything I could until I reach the edge of the forest close to the village without looking back I sprinted into the forest as smoke filled the sky above the village behind me
An: So what do you think of Raze past if you wish I may extend it a bit
Until Next Time

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