Could You Be The Devil?

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D.O., or Do Kyungsoo, was an average high school student, wanting to major in literature. He was an aspiring author. He had so many plot lines and story ideas, but he could never actually write them into a story. He wasn't sure how to start them or continue them. Thus the big brown journal was born. It held all his plot ideas and started stories. He carried it around with him, but he never shared it with anyone except for his closest friend, Suho.

Kyungsoo was a bit of an introvert, only knowing Suho because they've been friends since they were young, their parents sort of having forced them together. They got along well, so their friendship flourished.

It was the start of senior year. Suho was driving Kyungsoo to school, the two chatting about how this year's going to turn out.

Suho found a good parking space, pulling his key out of the ignition once he parked the car. The two exited out of the bright red car. One was excited for the school year and the other was excited for the end of the school year. Guess who's who. If you guessed that Kyungsoo was excited for school, then you guessed incorrectly.

Kyungsoo was glad he had some classes with Suho, else he wouldn't have been able to survive senior year without him.

Sadly, 1st period was one class they weren't sharing.

The two bid each other goodbye and went their separate ways, their lockers far apart from each other.

Kyungsoo was not expecting to find a hot guy leaning against his.

Kyungsoo slowed his steps as he took in (read: admire) the man's appearance.

The man had dark brown locks that were messily styled with ripped skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. All in all, the male looked sexy and dangerous. Something Kyungsoo felt he needed to avoid. But how was he going to do that if the man was leaning against his locker?

Kyungsoo warily approached the man, pursing his lips as he stopped next to the brunet.

"Umm, excuse me sir, you're standing in front of my locker." Kyungsoo had a blank expression as he spoke to the brunet, who in turn glanced down at him. He had a sort of scowl on his face, but he moved to the side, turning away from Kyungsoo to talk to his friend again.

Kyungsoo scoffed, nose scrunching up. 'Rude,' he thought, quickly opening his locker. He grabbed his 1st period and 2nd period binders, shoving them into his backpack before shutting his locker door. His brown orbs flickered over towards the scowling brunet, surprised to find the other staring at him. A light blush dusted his cheeks and Kyungsoo quickly hurried away, not wanting to be in that awkward situation any longer.

Kyungsoo shuffled into his 1st period class with a few minutes to spare, sitting down in a desk near the door. He set his backpack down next to him on the ground, staring down at his desk as he willed his blush to go away.

Soon enough, kids started filtering in from the noisy hallway, filling up the once empty classroom.

The bell rung, signaling the beginning of class.

Fortunately for Kyungsoo, no one was sitting next to him, so he got the whole desk to himself, well, that was until Mr. Scowl walked into class. Kyungsoo prayed with every fiber of his being that the brunet didn't sit next to him. Apparently god did not feel like being generous because the brunet chose to sit next to him.

Kyungsoo cursed his luck, wanting to bang his head on his desk but decided against it at the last second, not wanting to seem weirder than he already must seem to Mr. Scowl.

Fortunately, Mr. Scowl didn't seem very talkative, because he didn't say anything to Kyungsoo for most of the class time. That was until, close to the end of the period, the brunet decided to lean in close to Kyungsoo, his lips close to Kyungsoo's ear.

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