One Way Or Another *BONUS*

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((Not vital to original story line; just complete smut ahead))

Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo have been dating for a year now and the two couldn't be happier. But something's been bugging Kyungsoo lately, so he's decided to act upon his curiosity and interrogate- er, question Jongin.

But, it seemed like Jongin knew about it and avoided any topic relating to the night of their confession, always dodging it, leaving Kyungsoo confused. But not this time! Kyungsoo will ease it out of the other, one way or another, cue evil smirking.

"Jongin~" Kyungsoo cooed, spread out on their bed in one of Jongin's shirts, which was oversized on him, but he enjoyed wearing the other's clothing and so did Jongin, if you catch my drift.

Jongin was lounging in the small living room when he heard his boyfriend call for him, not thinking much of it, he stood up from the couch, making his way to their shared bedroom. His jaw hit the floor when he saw his lover spread out on the bed. In his shirt. In probably nothing else, but his shirt. Goddamn it, why is Kyungsoo so fucking sexy?!

"Jongin~" Kyungsoo practically purred, staring at the other with wide brown orbs, gesturing with his eyes that the other should come closer. "I don't bite.... <i>hard</i>."

A low chuckle escaped Jongin's lips, causing a shiver to sneak down Kyungsoo's spine. The lean dancer moved closer and closer until he was hovering over Kyungsoo's spread form, hungrily staring down at him.

"What brought this on?" Jongin inquired, a velvety tone to his voice.

Kyungsoo's brown orbs were wide with lust, heart shaped lips forming a small pout. "I wanted to spend some <i>quality</i> time with my love~"

Jongin's eyebrow rose, but he didn't think anything of it, leaning down to swiftly catch Kyungsoo's lips with his own, passionately making out with the short brunet.

Kyungsoo reached a hand up, encasing it in blond locks. Jongin had dyed his hair blonde a month ago and it was still affecting the short brunet.

Kyungsoo arched up into the kiss, slowly forgetting why he even initiated this in the first place, Jongin's lips making it hard for the brunet to multitask. He was given a reprieve when Jongin pulled away, sucking a mark into existence on Kyungsoo's pale skin.

Kyungsoo let out a soft moan, mind clearing slightly now that Jongin's lips weren't attacking his. His plan slowly recreating itself in his mind. He had set everything up, but he forgot how sensual Jongin could be. He'll keep that in mind from now on.

Kyungsoo let Jongin litter marks all over his neck, humming lightly as the other worshipped his pale throat. When Jongin's lips trailed up to his jaw, Kyungsoo figured he'd better start his plan else he forget all about it once Jongin kisses him again.

Jongin let out a surprised grunt, staring up at his lover with a shocked look, though his brown orbs were darkening with lust.

Kyungsoo leaned down, sucking on Jongin's jawline, gently pushing him back so he was closer to the head of the bed.

"Do you trust me?" Kyungsoo inquired, leaving a bruising hickey on the side of Jongin's neck.

Jongin's response was a low groan, though he verbally confirmed his reply with a murmured yes, brown orbs lovingly staring into Kyungsoo's.

"Then... can I take control for now..?" Kyungsoo inquired, grabbing ahold of the other's wrists lightly, smirking down at the surprised blond.

Jongin couldn't figure out if he was enjoying this or not, so he decided he'd go along for now. "Sure," he replied, a matching smirk on his lips.

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