Could You Be An Angel?

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Jongin was your typical bad boy, dark brown locks always falling into his face, giving his face a sort of shadowed look.

He wore ripped jeans and black shirts, skipped classes, and rode a motorcycle to school.

On the flip side, Jongin was a dancer. An amazing ballet/contemporary dancer. He liked to keep the two personas different. His friends didn't make fun of him for being a dancer, well, except for Baekhyun, but it's Baekhyun, so what do you expect?

Jongin had gone to school early, wanting to change his schedule since he had too many classes with Baekhyun, the annoying fucker, and he'd rather not spend the majority of his day with him.

The lady at the desk was so helpful, but maybe it's because of the scowl he was wearing and the lady probably did not enjoy that.

He had that intimidating effect on people.

At the moment, Jongin was heading to his locker, putting away his leather jacket he wore to school. It felt like the school corporation had no idea what air conditioning was because it was always warm inside the school.

Once he was done, he leaned back against the locker next to his, chatting to one of his friends that came up to him.

The two were having a discussion about which motorcycle was the best when the most beautiful voice Jongin's ever heard in his entire life interrupted their chat.

"Umm, excuse me sir, you're standing in front of my locker.

He turned slowly, dark brown orbs narrowing as he admired the angelic looking male. He was wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans, giving off a pure aura.

Jongin turned away after a second of looking, shifting so he was no longer standing in front of his locker. He resumed talking to his friend, but the other's face kept popping up in his mind every time he blinked.

His friend left him to go flirt with some girls that walked by causing Jongin to scoff at his friend's antics.

"Jongdae, I swear.." he chuckles, turning his head to look (read: stare) at the short male.

When the other closed his locker, their eyes met, his own narrowing slightly as the short male blushed. A slight smirk quirked his lips upwards as the shortie hurried away, watching him. 'Interesting,' Jongin thought.

He was in no hurry to go to class, striking up another conversation with his friend, Jongdae, who had come back from flirting with some girls.

The two talked until it was almost time for the bell to ring, the two friends parting ways.

Jongin glanced down at his new class schedule, heading to the classroom.

He walked into the room, dark brown orbs sliding across the room as he looked for an empty seat, eyes almost lighting up when he spotted the short brunet from earlier. A small smirk quirked his lips as he slowly made his way over, sitting down next to the other once he made it.

Jongin could see, out of the corner of his eye, the other frowning. It sort of looked like he was waging war on himself with how conflicted he looked. The brunet glanced up at the teacher, frowning as he watched the teacher pass out worksheets for them to complete. Boring.

Jongin spent most of the period staring at his phone, knowing the teacher was too caught up watching porn, I mean, staring at educational websites... yep.

A sudden devious idea came to mind when the teacher suddenly stood up, telling them to do page 100 in their textbook as homework before leaving the classroom in a flushed state.

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