Chemical love chapter 1

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In this story, Escape The Fate members are still Craig, T.J, Monte, Michael and Robert.


It was such a cold morning, I got out of the bed, frozen and tired. I looked at the clock, it's only 7:30. I have enough time to take a shower and get dressed without any pressure.

I took a hot shower and sat on the bed in my big warm towel, brushing my hair infront of the mirror.

I am so tired and I hate this job. but I can't stop working or whatever. I have to take care of myself, because no one else would.

I wore my favourite black ripped jeans, a thin red tee and my Vans shoes. my room was full of the amazing smell of my perfume after I opened the bottle and sprayed it on my neck.

8:20. I got to go.

I took my side bag with me and my skateboard. it's the best way to get to work. I am never late.

"good morning, Lily." I smiled at her and she gave me my apron. "hey, Daph." Lily gave me a hug and we started cleaning a little bit before we had to open the coffee shop. the only thing that helps me get through the day is music and Lily. we work together in all of our shifts. "hey Daphne.." "yeah?" I looked at her. "he proposed." she said quietly and we both started hugging and jumping. "oh my god, Lil, that's amazing! how? when? what? tell me!"

"he took me to his parents house, we had a lovely dinner and then he just got on his knee and proposed to me." "I am so happy for you, babe!" I felt a few tears waiting to get out of my eyes, but I was wearing makeup, so I couldn't let myself cry today. I cried because of the excitment, but also because of that one thing that haunts me for a few years now- desperation. I need love. I need someone to love me the way Ryan loves Lily. I'm so happy for them, I know Ryan since kindergarten for god's sake! I remember how I convinced her to date him, two years ago. Lily broke up with her ex and needed something to distract her, so I thought of Ryan and well, now they're engaged.

I stood behind the counter and connected the coffee-maker after I cleaned it. "I'll be right back, I'm going to clean the outside tables." Lily said and tied her apron again.

"Hello." I heard a manly voice behind me. "yes, what can I help you today, sir?" I turned around and couldn't believe it. It was Mr. Monte Money himself. right here. where I work.

I swallowed some air and coughed a little bit. "sorry." I smiled at him, but I was so embarrassed. "that's okay, beautiful." Monte looked at me with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I thought I'm about to faint.

"what's your name?" "Daphne." "ok, Daphne, can I have latte please?" "no problem, Monte." I said naturally and again, felt embarrassed. "hey, you know my name. how?" "well, you're famous, I'm pretty sure you're aware of that, mister." I giggled. "are you staying here, or you want this in a To-Go cup?"

"I think I'm going to stay." he said sweetly and turned around, "Michael, what do you want me to get you?" he asked his brother, which I saw only when Monte turned around. "I love your band." I smiled to him after Michael asked for an big cup of Ice-Coffee.

"have you been to one of our concerts?" "I've been to 9." "I think you should come to another one, 10 is better than 9." he winked at me and I went to clean their table and put their drinks on it. "there you go, guys." "thank you, Daphne." Monte looked at me and I heard him saying something after I started walking back to the counter, but I couldn't really understand what he said.

I felt my lungs burning and my heart popping out of my chest. Monte was looking at me every few seconds. "he's totally checking you out, you know." Lily stood right behind me and gave me a glass of water. "you think so?" "oh, I know so, Daph. ask for his number!" "no, I can't do this. Lil, wait..."

"hey, you! yeah, hey." she called Monte and my face turned pale as a wall. "my friend over here wanted to know if she could have your phone number." Lily was so confident but I thought I was going to die. I was so ashamed, but then he got up and started walking in our way.

"there you go, doll-face." he wrote his number on a napkin and signed it. "th... thank you."

"that's it? I assume you should give me yours in return." I blushed and took another napkin. my hand was shaking like the coffee machine that was behind me. "here." I gave him the napkin and realized Lily wasn't behind me anymore since Monte came over here to give me his napkin. "I'm going to be at home for th next few months, I guess that's enough time." he said quietly and the smile in his eyes was totallt crazy. "what are you doing on friday night?" "n.. nothing.." I giggled. "well, now you have a date with me." he said and touched my hand that was on the counter, holding the blue pen I used to write my number down.

"great. then it's a date." "it's a date." Monte winked at me and went back to his table. "thank me later." Lily whispered in my ear and I stood there, frozen, still a little embarrassed, but happier than ever.

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