Chemical love chapter 5

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it was the worst morning ever. THE WORST.

first of all, I fell from my bed in my sleep and woke up freezing on the floor at 4am.

after I went back to sleep (in my bed of course) I woke up at 11am, and that was nice but when I wanted to take a shower, I ran out of hot water after 3 minutes.

when I wanted to drink coffee, I realized I forgot to buy milk yesterday so I actually felt like a zombie until I came back home from the store.

after the coffee, I felt like myself again. at least I have a day off and all I have to do it to wait for Monte and our third date tonight!

I was at home all day, took care of myself and had to deal with a huge problem- what should I wear? I mean, it's just a movie, but on the other hand... it's with Monte. but still, it's not like it's our first date... um, but I don't want him to think I don't take our dates seriously.

I solved this dilemma by choosing something cute and still not too fancy.

at 7pm I heard a knock on the door and opened it while putting on my earrings. "hey, baby." Monte gave me a short kiss on my lips. "I'll be ready in one second." I smiled at him and looked at myself in the mirror. I did my hair in a messy bun and wore a light pair of skinny ripped jeans, a black tank top and my new Dr. Martens shoes. "you look gorgeous as always." Monte smiled and I felt once again, butterflies in my stomach. "let's go Daph."

when we got to the cinema, Monte decided we sould go and watch a horror movie.

how cheesy. I'll get scared and then he will put his arm around me and say "don't be scared, sweetie. I'll protect you." and then we'll kiss. just like in a romantic movie. cheesy, but still super cute.

"Ok, Monte. but promise me you won't leave me there by myself." "of course I won't, sweetie. I promise." he smiled and kissed me on my cheek. "I'll get us soda and popcorn. do you want to find our seats?" "yeah, sure. I'll meet you inside." I took the tickets and went inside to find our seats. awesome- our seats we're exactly in the middle. it was the perfect spot.

"the movie is about to start." Monte sat next to me and grabbed my hand, "can't wait." I giggled and he kissed me. I heard someone behind us saying "aww how sweet", and I smiled into the kiss. "shhh!" is all I could hear when the movie started.

-after the movie-

"oh my god, Monte. never again. you promise?" "I promise, boo. how can I make it up to you?" he laughed. I was so scared, the movie made me shake and every little weird noise made me freak out. "that's fine, I'm just going to have to deal it, I can't be scared forever." I smiled at him and he hugged me. "let's have dinner." I nodded and we got into his car. "after you, my lady." he opened the door for me. we sat in a nice place, not too many people were in there and the service was fantastic. "is the food good enough for you, babe?" Monte asked and I nodded, "yeah, thank you. and yours?" "I like this place." he smiled and I looked at him. "I can't stop thinking about the awful murderer from the movie." "oh, sweetie, he's not even real, it's just an unknown actor. he won't find you, I promise." I laughed quietly. I should never watch those movies again. EVER.

after the lovely dinner we went to my place and it was pretty easy to "break the ice" with him. we cuddled and kissed on the couch, and I was the happiest person alive. "I know how you can make it up to me." I whispered. "how?" he smiled and I touched his cheek to feel his dimple. "stay the night. I don't want to be alone tonight."

"ok, baby. I'll stay." I was excited. I mean, I can't even remember the last time I slept with a guy in the same bed.

we stayed up all night, we talked until almost 3am, about us, about life, about love, disappointment, things we love or hate...

I knew he was serious about us, the way he said the things and the things he said showed me that he really wants this to work out. "you know, most of the girls want my fame or money and I get that because they are really lame and shallow. but you always ask me things I guess you would ask any other guy. it makes me feel good to know you don't care about stuff like money." "I care about you as a person. I think this is the only thing that matters. the way we treat each other, the way we act and see things... money is not important and fame too."

"Daphne." "yes?" "I want to tell you that... I am falling inlove with you. and I knew it since our first kiss." "right back at you, Mr. Money." I smiled and kissed him. "I am so glad you're here." "i'm glad I stayed." he pressed his nose against mine and we both closed our eyes. "so um... good night, love." "good night."

one last kiss before we both drowned in an ocean of sweet dreams. I felt protected, and I could sleep forever in his manly arms. I was wide awake until 4am, just enjoying the feeling of his arms around me and his sweet slow breathes. I am inlove. that's it. I'm inlove with Monte.

too bad I had to wake up and go to work at 10 and I had only 6 hours to sleep, but at least is was the best night of my life.

-next on Chemical love- something is about to go wrong.-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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