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I didn't dream last night. In fact, it was one of those slumbers where you wake up and feel as if you'd only blinked and the sun randomly started shining again.

However, the light gleaming in my eyes wasn't coming from a window that belonged to me. I was still in Tyler's bed.

The brunette was sleeping soundly, tucked into my side. His arm was draped over my torso, my arm holding him behind his head. Weird, I don't remember falling asleep in this position.

I did what any normal human being in this scenario would do. I watched Tyler sleep for a bit.

I took into account all of the features I'd seemingly missed before. His face was so smooth, save for the stubble. I noticed just how thick and dark his eyelashes are. My god, they're beautiful.

And, once again, that nose. I could write endless essays about the perfection that is Tyler Joseph's nose. It was just so perfect. The shape is so suiting for his face. It's very structured.

I sound like a lunatic. Why am I obsessing over this boy's nose! God I'm weird.

You can only stare at someone sleep for so long before it becomes even more bizarre. I took the time to glance around Tyler's room some more.

He had a tapestry up. Just a basic black and white mandala. He's also got a rather large dream catcher hanging just above his bed.

Tyler's room looked very much like that of a Tumblr user with a grunge aesthetic. I kind of like that.

Everything was very clean, his instruments all in cases. His sleek black piano fit the room so nicely.

The piano. Tyler singing. Memories from the previous night began to flood my mind.

Did Tyler write that song? He must've. But the lyrics were so depressing. He sounded so hurt. How can a guy like him ever feel that low?

I just couldn't piece it together in my head. I wish I could remember all of the lyrics he'd been singing last night. I only remember him screaming at the end.

"I'm a goner," he cried. I remember it so vividly. His voice was laced with despondency. It worried me. It still worries me.

I felt Tyler start to shift beneath my arm. A deep sigh escaped him, and he squeezed me tighter.

"'Mornin' josh," Tyler groggily uttered. His hand delicately reached up to his face, and then proceeded to not-so-delicately rub it.

"Good morning Tyler," I replied, my voice hoarse due to the lack of using it since waking up.

"Thank you for not leaving me here alone. I'm actually surprised you're still here. I mean, we are kinda strangers I guess...if you can even call it that now," he sighed.

"Tyler, we're friends. That's what friends do. Our friendship just happened to progress a lot faster than many other friendships. But we're friends, nonetheless," I remarked honestly.

"You know, Josh, I think you might be my best friend," Tyler mumbled, cuddling his face deeper into my side.

"You know, Tyler, you might be mine too," I smiled. And just like that, Tyler fell asleep once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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