Chapter 1

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Guuuyyyysss, I'm so sorry this has taken so long. Lately all I've wanted to do is just... sleep.

BUT, I must go on!

Also, I know it annoys a lot of authors to constantly have people commenting for them to update, but feel free to tell me to update, because I will forget and I need constant reminders.

I'm not sure how I feel about the title, but it was the only thing i could come up with

Also, picture is not mine.


"Finally!" I cheered, as I pulled the car door shut behind me. Carlisle finally decided that I could go back to school. Yes, I know, bleh, school, but after months of not being able to go out into public because of the possibility that I might kill someone, I was bored. I didn't know I could be this bored, you'd think being a vampire would make life more exciting, and it does... but not always. Plus, Jasper and Alice are gone most of day at school, now I get to spend more time with them.

Predictably, when we got to the school parking lot and got out of our cars, people stared. Except this time, the staring was also directed at me. I couldn't wear my glasses anymore because I couldn't see with them because of my now perfect vision and because I was suppose to be wearing contacts and that's why my eyes were a reddish gold color. They have yet to turn completely gold, but Carlisle says it should happen soon.

My classes went by pretty quickly, I got lot's of greetings saying they are glad I am better. Apparently the story for my absence was that I had Mono. It was harder to be around humans in the classes without Jasper or Alice, but luckily that was only third period. Speaking of which, it is now over. As I headed towards the cafeteria I caught up with Alice and Jasper.

"Lily, what do you think about a graduation party." Alice asked once I was within human hearing distance.

"What's this," I mock gasped, looking at Jasper "our Alice asking before throwing a party."

"I was surprised too." Jasper teased. I laughed before answering Alice, who was faux pouting.

Once we entered the cafeteria, we headed towards the table with Edward, Bella, and the rest of our friends.

"I've decided to throw a party." Alice said as we sat down.

"Afterall, how many times are we going to graduate high school." Jasper added with a slight smile.

"A party? At your place?" Angela asked in disbelief, looking at us.

"I've never seen your house." Jessica said with a look of awe.

"No one's ever seen their house." Eric replied with a 'duh' tone.

"Another party, Alice." Edward deadpanned. What's his problem? He looked over at me. 'Yeah, I'm talking about you.' He shook his head slightly before looking back at Alice.

"It'll be fun." Alice insisted.

"Yeah, that's what you said last time." Bella replied, I furrowed my eyebrows and wrapped my arms around one of Jasper's arms. Low blow, Bella. Alice suddenly sat back, staring off into space. We stared at her for a second before Bella spoke.

"Hey, Angela, do you need some help with those." she asked, motioning to whatever Angela was doing. They started talking while I looked at Alice in concern. Her eyes then fluttered a couple times before looking at Jasper and Edward. Edward looked worried. They didn't say much for the rest of lunch, and ignored mine and Bella's inquiring looks.

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