Chapter 6

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Okay y'all, the reason it took so long to finish this chapter was because this movie has a lot of points where it's just Bella and Edward and I'm not the best at writing fillers for those times, so let me know how this goes. Also! since it took me so long to get another chapter out, i decided to make this one longer than normal!

"I'm not just gonna hide while you're out taking all the risks for me," Bella said as she and Edward walked out of the house.

"If it's Victoria involved, I need to keep you as far away from the fight as possible," Edward responded as they stopped at the base of the stairs.

"Jasper said that I could be of help."

"We won't need your help," Edward said, "with the wolves in this, it's an easy win; the rest of us aren't gonna have enough to do."

I snorted from my position next to the car.

"You're contradicting yourself, Eddie."

"Lily's right, either it's so dangerous that I have to hide, or it's so easy that you're going to be sidelined, which is it?" Bella asked.

"Dangerous for you, easy for us," Edward said, he started forward again but Bella stepped in front of him.

"I think it's dangerous for us to be apart, how many times do we have to prove that." Edward didn't seem to have a response. "I'll be worried. You'll be worried. And we'll both be more vulnerable."

Bella made a good point, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't going to accomplish what she wanted.

"Okay, you're right," Edward conceded.

"So, I go with you."

"No, we both stay away together." Called it.

Bella started shaking her head, "I can't make you choose between me and your family."

"The only way I can protect is to be with you," Edward whispered. When it didn't seem like Bella was going to say more, I pushed myself off the car.

"Well, this was all very touching, but now we're going to need a new plan and the rest are waiting for us," I patted the top of the car "So, let's go."

They both rolled their eyes at my impatience and got into the car.

"You didn't have to come y'know," Edward mumbled, however with my vampire hearing, I heard him clearly.

"Forgive me for wanting to see my dear sister," I said, "However, if you guys are gonna be all mopey and angsty all the time, I don't want to come anymore."

"We'll be sure to up mopeyness and angst next time then," my sister remarked.



As soon as the car stopped I was out and in the house in seconds, throwing myself onto the love seat that Jasper and Alice were occupying. I looked up at them from their laps with a grin. Jasper raised his eyebrow.

"Miss us?"

"Yes," I said with a groan, "I'm never going to go with Edward to pick Bella up ever again, there's so much angst." This made the rest of the family laugh.

"That sounds like our Edward," said Emmett.

"Shut up, Emmett," Edward walked in shooting a glare at the tall vampire. Emmett was about to taunt Edward again but Carlisle and Esme came into the room.

"Good, everyone's here, we should get started," Carlisle said. "First and foremost, we need a place to lure the newborns, a place that's far away from humans and is free of obstacles."

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