Chapter 2

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"Jane wake up sweetie" Jess called me shaking me lightly.

"What happened?" I asked. We both walked down the house in search of Luke. What we saw scarred me for life.

There was my brother laying on front of the door where a bullet had gone straight through his chest. I fell on my knees as Jess followed afterwards trying to steady me up. She was stronger than I and I think she knew exactly what was going on and I wanted to know exactly what was going on.

"Jess what is going on? What are you hiding from me?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper.

"Jane I believe we have to leave and we can talk later on in my house. We'll be safer there" Jesse said

I packed my bags and left as soon as posible. I couldnt take it anymore. I was willing to go far away from here.

Jesse took me to her house and set the alarm. She led me to the family room. After she made us tea.

"Jane, Luke had to protect me but specially you. Your his baby sister and he loves you very dearly. He tried protecting you from them. If they found you, you'll be taken away from us and into their academy. Jane you are not a human, you are special indeed" Jesse said caressing my hair

"What am I then?" I asked

"A teenager with powers, I would say a superhero" Jess said.

"Your mom was firestorm and your dad lighting bolt"

"Very creative names indeed" I said sarcastically

"Shut up Jane" Jess said seriously. I turned to her

"I was joking"

"No I mean it shut up" Jess said walking over to the window and looking out "Jane we need to hide!"

I took the duffel bag and Jesse did the same. "Lets jump out the window" Jess said. I stared at her.

'Are you fucking crazy?!" I asked her. She sighed and led me to the window.

"Are you fucking out of your mind?" I asked again. She ignored me and opened the window and pushed me out of it

"Ahhhh!!" I screamed as I fell from the four story house. As I got closer I was scared out of my mind.

Suddenly I wasnt falling anymore. "I got ya" Jess said as I sighed.

She placed me safe and sound on the floor. I cupped her cheek and caressed it. Then I slapped her. HARD

"Fuck Jane!" She yelled holding her cheek. "What's wrong with you?"

"Yeah, don't throw me out the window. Im not a fucking bird for you to throw me like I'm going to grow wings and fly" I snapped.

She sighed. "Lets just get out of here" She said and we ran away from Jesse's house and from where we used to call home.

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