The Wedding ; Part:2

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I stood at the altar with the captain when the music started,signalling the guests to take their places.

First Adaira walked down the aisle,followed by Lillian's sisters.

When it was time for Lillian to walk down,no one came.

My heart stopped and so did the music.

But then five minutes later,Lilly walked down. The veil was drawn to her face as she walked down with her uncle.

A smile made its way to my face as I glanced at Lilly who still hadn't looked up. The music started again and from the corner of my eye I could see Timothy quickly take his place beside me as he stared at Lilly with a shocked expression.

I ignored him and instead focused my gaze at Lilly who was finally here. Her uncle placed her hand in mine and turned to leave.

Her eyes met mine and she smiled softly making my heart skip a beat and I swore I smiled as well.

I helped her up the altar and the ceremony began.

"We are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Rikkard Ambrose and Lillian Linton",the pastor said and turned to me.

"Please repeat after me. I,Rikkard Ambrose".

I held Lilly's hand as I started,"I,Rikkard Ambrose".

"Take you Lillian Linton. To have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer or for poorer".

My mouth pressed into a thin line. I specifically asked for the 'poorer' part to be striked off from my vows.

"In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish. For as long as we both shall live", I repeated as I slid the ring into her finger.

"Miss Linton,repeat after me. I,Lillian Linton",the pastor said.

"I,Lillian Linton take you Rikkard Ambrose. To have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer or for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish. For as long as we both shall live",Lilly said as she slid the ring onto my finger.

"Do you Rikkard,take Lillian to be your lawfully wedded wife?".

"I do",I said and Lilly smiled.

"And do you Lillian,take Rikkard to be your lawfully wedded husband?".

"I do".

"I now pronounce you husband and wife",the pastor said and I wrapped my arms around Lilly pulling her closer as I kissed her.

* * * * *

Timothy POV

How the bloody hell was she here?,I thought as I stared at Lillian in front of me.

She was here. In the flesh.

Then whom did I...?.

My eyes widened as I hastily made my way to the coat closet where I had locked the woman in.

I pulled her out and took the sack off her head to reveal that it was one of the Linton sisters. One of the twins though I had no idea whatsoever which one.

"Ok..we can fix this. I'll just put her back in the room I found her in. It's not like she'll remember anything",I murmured to myself when I turned around and saw Rikkard and Karim standing behind me.

My eyes widened.

Their eyes zeroed in on the woman in my arms.

"I'll take her",Lilly said coldly as she stepped forward and gestured for me to hand her over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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