10 Ways To Get More Reads

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Tag your book with as many things as you can. If you have tagged things that a lot of people search up, your book is a lot more likely to show up the top than if you haven't tagged much. The only rule of this is making sure that the things you tag actually relate to the book. For instance, don't tag 'badboy' or 'HarryStyles' if your book doesn't include them. Although a lot of people search them up, I'm sure we'd all get annoyed if we were looking for Harry Styles (just an example) stories, found a story tagged with Harry Styles, then read it and see that it's actually nothing to do with Harry Styles. Please don't be one of those people!


Give a good first impression. You can do this by having an original cover, title and description. If a book looks scrappy and the cover doesn't look great, you wouldn't want to read it as much as another book that has a more appealing cover and title. The quality of the writing may be exactly the same, but potential readers will naturally click on the book that catches their eye the most.


Comment and review other people's work WITHOUT being part of a book club. This is a generous thing to do, and many will notice that. Chances are that they will return the favour by checking out one of your books or following you. If they don't, you've still helped someone else!


Update as often as you can. If you see an ongoing book that was updated months ago, chances are, not as many people would be interested as you don't know if they've quit or if the book is on hold but doesn't say. Also, if your book has the same title as other books, the more often and the more recently updated the book is, the closer to the top it will be.


An easier way to get reads on your book is to ask for them. If you have friends and family that have Wattpad or may be interested in getting Wattpad, all you need to do is ask! One thing I wouldn't suggest doing is private messaging loads of people over and over again for reads. Maybe one message to a few people every now and again would be fine, but bugging them would make you seem desperate, and being desperate could even drive people away. 


Join as many book clubs as you have time for. Having several people viewing and commenting on your book each week works wonders, and you can see the difference almost immediately, especially if you're a smaller writer. Just make sure that you do have time, as most book clubs have a system where you have to read a certain amount of your partner's book for them to read yours. Not reading your partner's group will get you kicked out of the club.


Enter your book into competitions e.g. The Watty's. This will get you noticed, and if you win, you'll instantly be pretty Wattpad famous. This is a great way to get views if you are confident that your writing is good.


Make sure the book content is good. This means that you have to have good grammar, a good plot, and originality within it. This will encourage readers to comment, vote, and most importantly share your story with their friends. The sharing is what will get you more reads, so make sure you remind your readers to share your story as well as telling them to vote or comment!


Check your analytics often. Your analytics can be accessed by going to the create option, finding the book you want the analytics on, then clicking the button with the bars on saying stats positioned below the 'continue writing option' (this is how you access them as of July 2017, and it may have been changed in updates after this). It will tell you how many comments and votes you have on one chapter and compare it to another (as well as loads of other cool stats about your book). 

See which chapters have the most votes and comments in, and take a look at them. If you added more action into that chapter, maybe add some more action into other chapters to make them more excited about the book. If one chapter has more votes and comments and you reminded readers at the start to vote and comment, maybe add that little message into more of your chapters. It's never too late!


I know this will sound really cliché, but read more of this book! There are loads of tips here and in other books on this account that could really help you out. For example, we have a book club, ready for you to join ( or my own book club for fanfiction on my personal account rolayde). So keep looking around Wattpad for more guide books like this one, and even Wattpad rant books can be helpful.

Good luck!

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