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Dear diary,

Ugh im tired. I just got back from the trip.

I told Sal all about it.

I find it funny that no one knows about our names-

Not one person got why we're named this way. Oh well,  let them figure it out.

Letty a Sal wont leave me alone about alejandro- Letty is plotting something I dont know what and Sal is just falling nonstop about weddings and esos cosas.

Sal is not entirely fluent in english though so how wording gets pretty funny lmao

Admin wont stop crying about laika for some reason. Who's that anyways?

She said it was some dog in space. Oh well


Admins weird sometimes.

Anyways, gil left back for germany and im back in puerto rico. We might never see each other again, heh. Oh well he didn't like me anyway ^^'

Admin left with him for germany,  they both keep correcting me and saying its prussia but..... I dont see it-

Anyways, me and Sal have alot to catch up on. As long as hes not to clingy-

I guess hes so clingy cause hes lonely. Hes such a flirt to women but he never actually likes him. I mean when spain and france were fighting over the island..... Sal and I had a huge fight over whether we wanted france or Spain to control us as chibi thus we parted ways. I guess he took after france and I took after spain,  huh?

I dont get it, most nation's and their Nyo's have a treat relationship but me and Sal have a very.... Meh one.

We're like brother and sister that treat each other like cousins.

Me being the cousin in college and him being the kindergartner that wants to be everything like their cousin in college though they barely talk anyways.

That's our relationship.


....... I want it to change for the better,  but as for now..... It feels strange around him

~P. R.

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