
33 5 3

Oh look how sweet,  she has a journal.

Ugh. Well Hola. Yo soy Ana.

And Ana means grace thank you very much.

Yes,  I am very graceful,  and beautiful,  and im a star wherever I go. So watch it.

Im rich and ready to bitch.

Unlike my stupid nyo,  im talkative. Im talkative in the best way,  that's what everyone likes about me. The way i keep conversations going and stuff. They also love my hair becaude it flows greatly in the wind-

*cough* back on topic Ana.

But I am the topic! I couldn't go on about me for days.

And unlike our 1ps,  my nyo and I have a stable relationship. He kills,  I hide evidence and Butler cleans the mess.

I feel I could talk about myself all day,

But thus... Our time must come to an end. Sebastian is a terrible... Everything. I must go help him now, 

Tootles ~!

~ ;) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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