3. Trapped

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That's how I feel in this weird, kind of large, mysterious place. I think they call it the Foundation. Or at least, that's what one of them called it when they didn't think I was listening.

All I know, is that it is some kind of a secret place, that they don't want to talk to me about. I don't know the way we got in here, thanks to the blindfold.

I'm sitting in a white office with glass windows, and weird vent kind of floor. There's a desk, some chairs, and a sleek, silver laptop on the desk.

Now the guy who sat with me in the car is coming toward me with a lady I haven't seen yet. She's average height, short auburn hair, and is wearing the same black jacket that everyone here wears. Yup, everyone except me. Wait, that girl at the med station had a white jacket. Whatever.

"Hi there, I'm Stacy. So you're our newest recruit?" She manages a smile.

I stand up. "Wait, recruit? I'm Alan Baker, and you're not going to force me to join something I don't know anything about!"

She stifles a laugh. "Actually Alan, we know who you are, and you already know a lot about it."

I step to the side, narrowly missing the laptop. "The Circle?"

"No, silly. We're not the Circle, we're fighting against the Circle." She takes a seat on the other side of the desk. "And if I'm not mistaken, you're doing the same."

I take a breath. "Strange. Nobody even knows what the Circle even is... except me, of course."

"So, let's talk. For starters, we're a group of friends that have made the downfall of the Circle our goal." She opens the laptop.

I settle down in my seat. "Well, good so far. How could I never have known about this?" I gesture around with with my hands.

She doesn't answer at first, clicking around at things on the computer. "Good. The less people know about the, um, Foundation, the less people to mess up what we're doing." Stacy looks at me. "Yea, in case you don't know yet, that's what we call this underground base."

"Wait, so we're, like, underground? In the city?" I ask.

She grins. "Yup. Kind of hard to construct a underground base in the middle of a city. Lucky for us, we've got friends in high places who could get all the legal permits for us. That's just if people try to blackmail us."

"Great. So, one question. Why stop my midnight maneuver to meet with the mayor?"

She smirks. "Nice poetry. Well the truth is, Mayor Coldwell already knows."

Looking over at me, she waits for my reaction. I jump up, spin on my heel and face the wall.

"Wait, you're telling me, Coldwell already knows about," I gesture at the ceiling. "...everything?"

Stacy says nothing, just clicks at something on the laptop. Sliding it over, she turns it so I can see the screen. "I trust you now, and I suppose you should know where we are."

I turn around and examine the screen. It is some sort of diagram, and I realize it is a map of one of the suburbs of Chicago. It shows several elevators shafts in hidden spots, each in different buildings.

"Cool. Always dreamed of being in a place like this. Except the beat up, dragged into car, blindfolded and the like. I mean, that wasn't my dream." I rub my side. "I must admit, though. This Foundation thing looks good so far."

She stands to her feet, and smiles. "Well, just wait till you see- " Someone bursts through the door, breathless.

"Director, some men with rifles and shotguns are near Shaft #4 and appear to be dealing with some businessmen. I was told to ask you to come to the Security Block immediately!" A stocky man with short jet-black hair gestures with his arm for her to hurry. His silver name pin reads "Dennis". Yea. He's wearing a black jacket too.

Stacy pulls out a smartphone. What's on her screen looks like live video feed from a myriad of places.

"Hm. Wonder what's brewing." She turns to leave and on her way out the door says over her shoulder, "Go to Level Two and down the Chute to Sector 4. Alice will help you. Catch you later!"

And just like that, I'm left alone in this room in the middle of this whoknowshowbig secret-base thing.


Well, I'd better get moving, probably some kind of elevator will take me to Level Two. Goodnessgraciousme. How big is this place?

I step out of the room and survey my surroundings. Down the hall from where we came after they took of my blindfold is the MedStation. There probably is an elevator or whatever else they have here down that way, but I choose the left hall just because it seemed like a long walk on the way here.

After passing trillions of offices that are mostly identical, I finally see a sign for restrooms, emergency equipment, and finally, elevators.

I'm walking up to it, pushing the call button, smacking into the guy coming out, I'm inside. OK. There appears to be 3 floors. Two, One, Zero, with Zero the lowest and Two the top floor. Currently I'm on One.

Alright, maybe this won't be that hard.


Not much action, and probably the same next chapter, but it will come! Oohhhh boy!
Please like and comment on my story. Also, ideas for the future greatly appreciated!

James Hunt

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