4. Lost

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    Can't tell if this main long hall thing is supposed to be the "Chute" or not. Tell the truth, it looks a little like the inside of a mall, only a lot smaller.

    So, do I stop one of these busy workers rushing by (uh-huh, in black jackets) or do I walk to the end of this large corridor and see if I can find someone that looks like "Alice". Whatever. I'll just wander around some more until I'm even more lost. Awesome. Just like I've always dreamed.

    The floor in here is the same as on Level One, still not sure why it looks like that. Probably air circulation purposes. The ceiling is slightly curved, with supporting steel beams painted white.

    Concentrate. Keep going to whoknowswhere. I feel a tap on my shoulder. As I turn my head around, the first thing I see is yup, a black jacket. My eye rests on the name pin on the jacket. Alice.

    I turn around and I'm met by a shorter girl with light-brown side bangs.

    "Hi," I say. "Name's Alan. I was told to meet you for... I don't really know"

    "Is I'm Alice. I'm supposed to show you where you'll be staying. I could tell you didn't know where to go." She smiles.

    "Uh, question. How did you know I'm who you're supposed to help?" I ask, gesturing at the people going here and there. Then I realize how silly my question is. I don't have a black jacket. My face turns a light shade of red.

    She smiles again. "No offense, but you do sort of stand out with your dark blue polo shirt and cargo pants." She grabs my arm. "Come on. We only have 20 minutes until the evening meal in the cafeteria."

    We turn right and walk down a long corridor and I realize it's the sleeping area. Alice looks at me as we walk.

    "So, Level Two is the top floor, and is like the living area. Level One is mostly offices and the like. Zero is for maintenance, and the equipment that run this place. You'll be spending most of your time on this floor, but I think the Director is going to giving you a complete tour of the place after the evening meal."

    She finished and I gave her an impressed look. "Wow. Thanks for the info. I guess this place is bigger than I thought. I'm just not sure what it's for."

    "Oh, that's Director's job, I'm just showing you to your room." She points to a sign above. "Oh, we're here. Sector 3. Oops, I forgot to explain the Sector thing. Well, there's three Sectors on each level, with 1,2, and 3 on the top floor, and they go down like that."

    I squint. "I think I get it."

    She holds open a door for me. Room 46. Brilliant.

    "So you'll be staying in here for now. Why don't you get freshened up before dinner? There should be everything you need in here, including light clothes."

    "Sounds good." I grin. "I'm starving. Um, where is the cafeteria? Just in case I, uh, get lost again."

    She waves her hand. "Sector 1. But don't worry, I'll be here when you're done. I'll need to show you one more thing before we go eat."

    She shuts the door and I look around the room. Four twin beds line different walls with dressers, desks, and closets, and probably everything you could need to live here for a week... or more. Some clothes and other things are strewn on three of the beds, So I decide that the empty one is mine.

    I walk over to the dresser and open it. Neatly folded dark gray tees, black, tan cargo pants, dark colored jeans, socks, underwear, underwear! Strange, though, it's all mostly my size. I wonder how... just another of my long list of questions to ask them later.

    The closest has shoes, hiking boots? Ok... Polos, dark hoodies, stylish jackets. I wonder if I'm going to get one of the trademark black ones.

    I quickly grab a dark tee, jeans, and a long-sleeve shirt and step into the bathroom. Sure enough, the bathroom is stocked up with shampoo, soap, towels, shavers, and everything you could possibly want in a bathroom. I wonder who funds this place.

    After showering, I dress and take some causal Nikes from the closet and head for the door. On my way out, I grab my wallet, keys, and smartphone, even though I have no idea if I have service down here.

    Ugh. I wonder what they did with my handgun. I shove the thought out of my head and open the door.

    I don't see Alice right away, but then I notice her talking with some people at the end of the corridor. Striding up to them I touch my freshly combed blonde hair to check its status. Then she turns toward me.

    "You done already? You look a lot better now. Oh, Jack, Benny, this is Alan Baker. He's new here."

    I smile to the guys standing next to her. "Hi! I'm the newest recruit."

    They chuckle, and the skinny one offers his hand. "Pleasure." The other guy is shorter with glasses. To be honest, he looks like a real nerd.

    "Great to know ya, dude." He grins.

    I look at my phone. "We really should go to the cafeteria, shouldn't we?"

    Alice starts walking and says over her shoulder, "We have a few minutes. Hey Alan, come with me. I'm gong to show you something."

    I nod at Jack and Benny and then follow her. We turn and walk down the chute, the same way I came when I was lost. She stops at some shops or, I think they call them units, and there's two signs. One says Supply Dpt. and the other reads Tech.

    We step inside and are greeted by an older gentleman with the kind of glasses that look like they're pinching off your nose. Lining the wall on hangers are (guess what) those same black jackets.

    Alice speaks to the man. "I'd like the standard one for this guy," she turns to me and asks, "What size?"

    "Large." I answer. The man goes over and looks though a bunch of jackets for a bit and pulls out one. "Ahh, yes. This one will will do." He says to no one in particular. What the... Give me a break- they're all identical.

    Alice takes it from him and lifts up the sleeve. "These jackets are all fitted with tracking systems and recording equipment. They link to your smartphone and you can easily keep in touch with everyone from wherever you are. And believe it or not, they're also bulletproof and stab proof. Not to mention waterproof, of course."

    "So, I can keep it?" I ask. She nods. "She's all yours while you work with us. I like the smartphones the best. We'll see about that later."

    I take it.


Alright, it's 12:07 pm, so I've gotta get some sleep.
As always, thanks for reading and please vote!
Comments and ideas GREATLY appreciated, blah blah blah blah and I'm too tired to write anything else soooooo,
James Hunt

Oh, yea.
DONT FORGET JESSA. Alan's niece.
All right, this is for real.

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