Porter Brian

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As she disappeared from view, so did my hopes of making friends.

Of course I already had a couple. Maia, Tad, Fay, and Juniper. The problem was they all didnt like each other. If I wanted to sit with one, the others wouldn't follow.

I usually chose to sit alone.

Sighing, I leaned back against the wall. Twiddling with my phone in my hand, I decided to call Maia.

It ringed for a moment.

"Hello? This is Maia the great speaking."

I laughed, pulling the phone closer to my ear.

"Hi Maia."

"Oh hey Amy! Why'd you call me?"

I bit my lip.

"I just wanted to know when you were going to get here."

There was silence for a minute.

"Sorry I was putting on my shirt. I'll be there soon. Bye Ams. Don't forget to meet me by the library."

I nodded as she hung up, relieved. For a moment, I was scared she wasn't coming.

As I waited outside the library, time passed slowly. Freshman walked by, shoes clacking against the polished cream tile. A few smiled at me, and I waved. Then, I saw her.

"Maia! You said you'd be here soon." I said accusingly.

"Sorry! Sorry! Beauty takes time."

I looked her up and down.

"What beauty?"

We laughed, and she grabbed my hand.

"C'mon! Our freshman are waiting in The gym!"

We practically sprinted down the halls, ignoring the odd looks we were receiving. Maia's brown short hair bounced up and down, and she kept having to pull her skirt down. I noticed she was wearing foundation.

"Aha." She grinned, as we stopped in front of the once intimidating Gym doors.

"We've made it to hell."

Maia smiled at our silly nickname for this evil place, and opened the door.

Inside were around thirty freshman.

I noticed a bunch of seniors, holding up posters with names on them.

Once their freshman spotted them, they nervously made their way over.

Maia pulled me over to a table, and shook the principals hand.

"Hi Ms.Fredrick."

"Hi dears." Her voice was high, and I cringed a bit.

"Your names?" She asked.

Maia pointed to herself, "Maia Red." Then to me, "Amy Harris."

The principal scanned over a sheet in front of her, and looked up at Maia.

"Your freshman is Kelly McCarthy." She then pulled out a sign from under the desk, and thrust it into Maia's hands. She wasted no time running over to the other seniors, waving about her poster.

"You." The principal frowned.

"You've gotten Porter Brian."

I didn't understand why she was frowning, as she limply handed over my poster.

"Good luck." I faintly heard her mumble, as I made my way over to Maia.

She had already found hers, and they were both engaged in conversation. Kelly was pretty, with messy blonde hair, and a cute petite look.

I decided to not bother them.

Instead I joined the crowd of seniors, holding my poster as high as I could.

"Porter!" I shouted. "Porter Brian!"

"Here." A gruff voice came, and my eyes widened.

The freshman was tall. Really tall. And hot. What? What am I saying!

"Uh hi. Are you Porter?" I asked, hoping the answer was no.

"Yes." He smirked.

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