Beautiful Face Ugly heart

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Porter Brian was really hot.

Like really.

Theo James hot.


Also, he did not look like a freshman. Not in the least.

More like a twenty year old Abercrombie model.

"I-I'm Amy." I stuttered, shamelessly staring at his beautiful eyes.

He shook my hand, and tingles heated up my cheeks.

"Nice to meet you Ammie."

"Amy." I corrected, but he ignored me.

"So. Birch Meyers. Strictest school in Texas."

I nodded. "The punishments are terrible."

"Well. Show me around." He said rudely, and I squinted.

How could someone so beautiful speak like that?

"O-okay. Where are your first classes?"

He shrugged, passing me his school map.

"A21." I said, eyeing the circled room. "I believe that's in the art hall."

"Then let's go."

I lead him past the cafeteria, and upstairs.

"Now. These stairs just led us into B-hall. Which means-"

He groaned. "Just get me to my first class already."

I wanted to slap him.

"Don't you want to be able to navigate on your own?"

He laughed, "Why would I need to know how to do that, when I have you- sweetheart."

I almost puked in my mouth.

"C'mon fish." I sighed, dragging my feet down to A-Hall, Porter close behind.

"Here we are." I said, my voice monotone. This year was not turning out exactly how I planned.

"Hoorah." He muttered, shoving past me into his first class.

"Pick me up for math." He yelled, and I noticed a couple blonde freshman staring at him.

"Will do." I sighed, really not wanting to pick him up.

I headed to my first class, trying to get him out of my head.

Porter Brian.

So far he was Rude, Mean, and uncaring. I had a feeling that by the end of the year I wouldn't be able to stand him.

Tad was in my first class, and I grinned as he enveloped me into a big hug.

"Hi gorgeous!" He teased, kissing my cheek.

"Hi." I smiled, ruffling his black hair.

Tad and me had been best friends since we were little.

We were neighbors back then, and his mom had invited me over. I was shyer back then, and puked all over Tad when he greeted me.

The first thing he said was,

"Is this macaroni?"

I had nodded yes.

We'd been best friends ever since.

"Sooo." He dragged, as we took a seat at the same table.

"Who's your freshman?"

I shrugged, "Some annoying kid named Porter."

Tads reply was silenced by our teacher.

"Hello seniors! Welcome to first period AP physics."

When class ended, Tad waved goodbye and I almost forgot to go pick up Porter.

Maybe I should just leave him.

No, I wasn't that rude.

When I got to his class, he wasn't there, and I assumed he had figured it out himself.

That was until I poked my head into the teachers office room.

There he was, him and Ms.Jones, sucking face.

I gagged.

They both spun around, Ms.Jones blushing wildly.

"Oh!" She pulled up her shirt.

I gagged again.

"Sorry Fiona." Porter shrugged, "looks like it's time for Math. We'll finish this later."

Still gagging.

"C'mon Ammie." He smirked, pulling me outside the classroom.

"Let's keep this a little secret between us." He said, pushing a strand of loose hair out of my face.

I slapped him, and stomped away before he could react.

By lunch time I had heard more rumors about Porter Brian than I had ever heard about anyone else.

"Did you hear Porter and Mrs.Monte got it on?"

"Porter kissed The head cheerleader!"

"Porter talked back to Mr. Owens."

"Porter made out with Ugly-Ursula on a dare!"

"Porter vandalized b-hall!"

Porter Porter this this, Porter Porter that that.

I was sick of it.

People were saying he's already been to the principal six times today.

Why he's not been kicked out?

Heaven knows.

Suddenly I felt a presence beside me, and Tad was tapping my shoulder.

"Hey did you hear-"

"YES I HEARD!" I screeched, resisting the urge to hit his head with my lunchbox.

"So. Any chance this Porter Kid is Your Porter?"

I nodded solemnly

"The one and only."

Tad laughed.

"I feel bad for you."

"I feel bad for me too."

The rest of the day passed by in a blur, and I discovered I had no classes with Juniper or Fay.

So much for having four friends.

Tad however, was in three classes.

Thank The Lord, and Maia was in one.

Sophomore year was the worst for me. I had no friends in any of my periods, and keeping up with Tad was difficult.

I almost lost him.

I'm glad this year would be different.

Different good or Different bad, I wasn't sure.

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