A Secret from the Past

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Melodious POV

"What are you doing here, Merlin?" I asked.
"I heard her screech so i came" Merlin said.
"Wait! you mean the angel" Diane ask.
"What did you people do now?" Merlin said walking towards the angel on the table.
"We found her in the bushes at the valley." Elisabeth said.
"She has grown a lot" Merlin whisper while looking at the angel.
"Oh hello Gowther" Diane said as gowther just nodded.
"Um Merlin. Im just asking...why are you here." King asked.
"Of course every angel has a call for when they are in need of help. But the difference is that the scream is only heard by the person who has a bond with them. Fortunately im bonded to this one."
"If she is the one who made the call then where's her brother." Gowther said out of nowhere.
"I don't know but right now lets just get the arrow out." Merlin said. She grabbed both sides of the arrow and broke it while gowther used his power to pull out the remaining pieces.
"Does anyone have gauze" Merlin asked. Right on cue Elisabeth came out with the gauze and started raping it around the wing.
"Merlin, um i just wanted to ask. How do you know this angel" Diane asked.
"Yea that is actually a good question" ban said.
"Simple. Melodious do you remember  Solarus?"
"Yea i remember the guy" melodious replied.
"Wait who's Solarus" Elisabeth asked.
"Although there was said to be 7 sins there are actually 8" melodious explaining
"Oh yea i remember him now. He had odd dark hair. It almost seem like it was burnt by the sun or something." Ban said. Everyone else started remember the 8th sin as well.
"Wait why didn't anybody know about him then if he was a sin."Elisabeth asked. 

"well he is very...secretive when it comes to being a sin. He didn't let anyone see at all"

"so how did sir ban see the sin's hair" Elisabeth asked again.

"i was walking by his old room and i heard him and someone talking. i took a peek inside and caught a glimpse of hair but before i can catch a glimpse of anything a bright light had blinded me. Literally.  I could see for a whole week" Ban said chuckling at that small memory.

"Wait but i don't get what he have to do with this girl" Diane said. Everyone else agreed.

"As we all know Solarus kept many secret. One of them is actually her" Merlin gestured toward the angel.

"Is that his girlfriend" ban gasped.

"No although it was someone equally, maybe even more special in his life." Merlin look over at the sleeping figure. "This is his younger sister, Luncina"
Everyone in the room was shocked.
Even I was and i had knew the most about Solarus then anyone.
And that wasn't  even a handful of info.
"Whoa whoa whoa... your telling me that the guy who seem kept himself hidden, didn't to talk to anyone and have no emotional feeling what so ever...
HAS A LITTLE SISTER " ban yelled.
"Yes but she wasn't always younger than him." Gowther jumped in. All of us look at the emotionless sin noting him to keep talking.
"Solarus and Luncina can die but they reincarnate every 20 years. When they were first born they were identical twins. Soon after Solarus was killed by-" Merlin stop gowther in the middle of his sentence as if she was hiding something but come on... it Merlin! she has like a million secret .
We all talked for a little about the  situation until we seen the angel figure, Luncina, move.
"Why didn't you take her to a bed?"
"She's is too heavy to pick up. Even i wasn't able to get her up" i repiled as Merlin laughed.  She walk over to Luncina and picked up the sleeping figure with ease.
"Waaaah?! But how- what?! Huh?!"
"Like I said, I have a spirit bond with Luncina allowing me too do things that other can't such as carry her" merlin explain as she put Luncina upstairs in my bedroom.
"I don't think we should leave her in here. Especially with him here" Hawk referred to me and my *ahem* interest.
"Well where else can i put her?" Merlin asked.
"How about ban and king's room?" Diane suggested.
"Why our room?" King asked.
"Because king you seem to have a lot of knowledge on angels already so if anything goes wrong we can trust you to help her. Right?" Diane said with a closes eye smile. Poor king overwhelmed by his feelings nodded unconsciously. I swear his face was as red as ban's when he's drunk.

🙃🙃🙃🙃Time skip brought to you by Ban's ale🙃🙃🙃🙃

So far it's 10 at night and Luncina still haven't woken up. I was up talking with ban and king when i heard crying. It was soft but you can still hear it.
Im guessing king heard it too because we all headed upstairs to his and ban's room.

Once we open the door we found the it was the angel. She was crying in her sleep. King try to wake her up by shaking her but that didn't work.
I notice she was holding on to something. I try to get a closer look but out of no where she shot up and start breathing heavily.
"W-who are you? Where am I? What do you want from me ?"
"Whoa calm down! Breathe" king told her. She did as she said and calm her breath down.
"Good. My name is king and that's ban and captain melodious " king said gesturing to ban and i.
"W-wait. Are you the seven deadly sin?" Luncina asked.
"Well part of it" I replied. 
"M-my name is Luncina. My brother name is s-solarus. He said he wanted me to find you guys" she said.
"So it wasn't a lie... she really is Solarus sister"

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