1000 Ton Angel

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Hey guys! Before I start i just want to say my other story Zodiac High has been put on hold because i couldn't think of what direction to take the story in. If you want me to continue that story line let me know and comment some ideas ok! Now enough of me talking.

Enjoy my story!


"Solarus!" I screamed .

"Don't worry Luncina keep running! I'll try to stop them!" My brother said to me . I did as he said and kept going. My brother used part of his power and cause an earthquake then kept running.
"That's only gonna last for a little while so we might have to go by air"

I looked ahead and pointed at the cliff. My brother ran faster knowing what i had in mine. As we got to the edge we both jump off the cliff until we reached about 10 feet away from ground then we opened our wings and flew off. Our wings were like 2 halves of a whole. Mine a soft bold black and my brothers a bright white.
"Get them! They are getting away!"
We flew faster as they shot arrows at us.
"HIT THEM IDIOT!" The man yelled scaring his goons. But that was what they needed.
"Solarus!!!" I screamed.

He slowly fell speeding up as he got more close to the grown.
"No!" I flew after him but, me being younger I wasn't fast enough.
An abnormal size crater was made with my brother found in the middle of it.

"Your gonna be ok just hold on" i panic while trying to use Healing Sol
"Luncina...argh ...s-stop... the...the wound is too large" he grabbed my hand weakly. I still struggled but soon gave up and cried.
"Luncina...take my amulet...f-find the sins... with that amulet...y-you are now...the...the 8th sin. The sin o-of life a-and death..." i can see my brother was trying to hold on but i didn't want him to go.

Not just yet.

"Solarus p-please don't leave me"
"I-im sorry lulu but re-remember I-" he didn't get to finish.
"Sol...sol..." i shook him but it was no use. i started to tear up and then...

I screamed.

A bloody scream so loud that the earth around me shook and cracked. One of the guys hunting us found me but they couldn't do anything.

I was out of control.

I look at him with white glowing eyes and the Earth's plants grab him choking and crushing him till he snap. It started to rain and the others were coming. I look back at my brother still with glowing eyes and kissed his forehead.

"Sleep" i whispered.

And from there he evaporated into lightening bugs as they disbanded.
I started to fly but still heard the others coming after me. I try flying faster but threw the rain i couldn't make it.
"SHOOT THE GIRL!" And the goon did as he said. The arrow went straight threw one of my wings causing me to lose balance.
I went tumbling into the dark forest as darkness consumed me.

Elizabeth POV

Me and Diane was out and about with hawk picking berries and flowers. As i picked some lilacs i look to the west as i heard a rumble.
"A storm?" I question.
"Aww and just when i thought it was gonna be clear today" Diane huffed. I giggled but stop when i heard a thud from behind the bushes.

"Diane...you heard that" i ask.
"Yea" we both looked at the bush but i was the one who got closer.
"Elizabeth be careful " i heard hawk squeal.

I moved that bushes out of the way and gasped at what was seen before my eyes.
"Diane, Hawk look" i called them over.
"What is it..." Diane trailed off as she seen what i had.

"Is that what i think it is" she asked.
"An angel?!?!?!" Hawk yelled jumping a few feet in the air. I got closer and inspect it to see that it had a wing with an arrow through it.

"It's hurt" i gasped.
"Let's take it back to the tavern. And be careful we don't want to be seen" Diane said.
"Why not" i asked.
" because the wings are worth more that 100 bars of gold. People hunts angels for this reason" Hawk explained. I nodded as i grab Diane basket.

"I'll carry her back" Diane said as she try to pick up the angel.

Key word: Try.

"Diane what's wrong?" I asked.
"I-i can't pick it up. It's to heavy" diane said dropping the small grip she had on the girl.
"But how...you have the strength of....well of a giant and yet you can't pick up a small angel" Hawk squealed.
"Oh yea, well you try pork chop" Diane glared as Hawk hid behind me.

"Don't worry Diane. I'll help you" i said. I grab one side of the angel and Diane grabs the other and you would expect that to be enough power to pick it up but no. Long story short while hawk carry the fruits, berries and flowers back me and Diane drag the angel back.

💨💨💨💨Timeskip brought to you by Diane's mallot💨💨💨💨

Meliodus POV

Ban, king and I were in the tavern waiting for the girls and hawk to come back. So far it has been a hour since they left.

"Hey cap shouldn't they have been back already" ban asked me.
"Yea. They problem just lost track of time" i replied keeping my lively smile on. Right as i said that we heard a thump at the door.

I opened up the door and seen a pig holding a bunch of berries and two winded girls on the ground with angel on them.

"Um...why do you guys have an angel?" I asked.
"We found it in the bushes and knowing that everyone would be after an angel we brought it back."Diane replied.

"Plus the wing is hurt" Elisabeth said. I try to get the angel off of the girls but even for me it was to heavy.
In the end it took ban, king, hawk, Diane, Elisabeth and I to pick up this angel. Although when we put it on the table it didn't break.

"So how do we get this arrow out?" I ask.
"Like this" ban said as he yank on the arrow in the wing. King try to stop him but he still pulled it anyway. Before ban can even get it out we all heard an ear bleeding screech.
"Ban let go" king yelled over the screech. Ban did as he said and the screaming stop.

"Are you stupid?! The wings of an angel is sensitive!" King yelled at ban.
"Whoa! calm down, king" ban replied. 
"That was an angel call. It's usually done unconsciously when they feel like they are in danger. It use to call for help." King informed us.
"Wait so is something coming here right now" Diane asked.
"Yea but i don't know what" king replied.

At that moment we heard a bang outside the tavern and foot steps coming towards the door.

"Oh good job ban. Look who got us into trouble" kings said.

"Hey i just try to help" ban countered. As the two argued the door slammed open to show...


Word count: 1,257

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