Psychic twins

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Its been two weeks since I met Brandon. That night we sat in the hot tub for hours just talking and getting to know eachother. I am now getting ready to start filming a video for my main channel with the Psychic Twins. My dads and Brandon are sitting on the floor behind the camera.

"Hello everyone! Today I have two very special guests joining me! Its the Psychic Twins!" I say with genuine enthusiasm as we start my video.

"Ahhhh" Terry says waving her hands around

"This is so exciting!" Lisa adds

"I know! I don't think we've ever filmed together before!" I say and they both agree. "So lets get started! Today they are going to be reading me and my future and my past lives and I am so excited."

"Kaylee do you believe in past lives?" Terry asks

"Ummm I am undecided but am leaning more towards yes." I explain

"mmmm. Can we talk about your love life?" Lisa asks

"What love life?" I joke and they both laugh

"Well we think you have met your lifelong person already. We think he is a new person in your life that you have an undeniably obvious bond with." Terry says

"Really?" I ask and they both nod

"Oh yeah!" Terry says

"With your past lives I am seeing a lot of Brandon." Lisa says

"Yeah me too" Terry agrees

"Can we bring Brandon in here?" Lisa asks

"Yeah! Come on!" I say and scoot over a bit so he can sit on the couch with me.

"Do you two know what a doppelganger is?" Terry asks

"Yeah" I say

"Is that like when there is a past person that look exactly the same as you?" Brandon asks

"Yeah" Terry says

"Well I think that in your guys' last 10 lives. So over the course of a thousand years, you guys have both looked the exact same as you do now." Lisa says

"Yeah I'm getting that too." Terry agrees "And that is very rare. That happens when the universe wants something of a person or people and they keep making the same copies of a person until that task is complete." she explains

"Oh wow!" Brandon says in utter shock

"So have we known eachother in past lives?" I ask

"Oh yeah you two in your past at least 10 lives keep getting pulled together. But everytime before you complete the task something pulls you apart." Lisa says

"Yeah I'm getting that too. There has been messy break ups, death, or you just never get together when you are meant to." Terry says

"Wait what?" Brandon and I both say

"What do you mean break ups?" Brandon asks

"Yeah we're just friends" I finish

"I think we've said to much" Terry whispers to Lisa

"What task is supposed to come of us?" I ask

"We don't know" Lisa says

"Oh come on don't be short on us now." Brandon says

"We really don't know." Terry says

"So what the Universe just wants us to me together" I say "Well I'm afraid we are one big dissappointmant to the universe cause we are friends and thats all we will ever be." I laugh a little "Right?" I ask Brandon nudging him and he looks down.

"Right." He says "I have to go. Bye everyone" He says and walks out. I'm confused by his behavior but decide to finish the collab and I will text him later.

Three hours later

The twins went home and I am upstairs doing some homework and studying for finals. I've texted and called Brandon a bajillion times and he wont answer his phone or reply to his texts. I don't know what I did to make him so mad. I look at my ohone and see that its about 6 so I get up and walk down the spiral stairs of our house.

"Hey what are we doing for dinner?" I ask my Dads who are sitting on the couch with the dog and cat while watching youtube videos.

"Just ordering pizza. It should be here in like a half hour." Daddy says and I nod flopping down between them and they both adjust to make room for me.

"What are we watching?" I ask

"Conspiracy theory videos." They both say

"I cant believe you guys actually believe in conspiracy theories. Most of them are bull." I say

"Not all of them are fake." Daddy says and I huff

"Okay enough you two." Dad says "Kaylee have you talked to Brandon since he left earlier?"

"I've texted and called but he won't answer. I don't know what I did to make him so mad..." I answer

"He likes you and you friend-zoned him" Daddy says

"He doesn't like me."

"Why is it so hard for you to believe someone likes you?" Dad asks me and I just roll my eyes and look down crossing my arms. Dads about to continue when we hear the front door open and close and Uncle Drew and Uncle Garret walk in.

"Hey guys" Garrett said as he and Drew sit down with a pizza pie in hand.

"We ran into your pizza guy outside" drew says and I laugh at him

"What's got you looking so down kiddo?" Garrett asks me

"Oh you know just the normal aggravating parents." I say smartly and he laughs as my dads send me warning glares.

"Brandon is upset with Kaylee and because she said to him and the Psychic twins that they are only friends. And Kaylee isn't understanding that he likes her" daddy explains

"Kiddo if you don't think that boy is absolutely crazy for you than you are the most oblivious person I have ever known." Garrett says

"Yeah I mean it's so obvious and it's obvious you like him too." Drew adds and I go to answer when my phone rings and I see that it's Brandon and answer it leaning back on the couch.

"Hey" I say
"Hey Kaylee! I'm sorry I left so abruptly earlier" he says awkwardly
"It's okay. I've been trying to call you since you left though"
"Yeah I just needed some time to think." He says "What are you doing tonight?" He asks
"Just hanging out why? Did you have something in mind?"
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight we could go go-carting or something?" He suggests
"Yeah sounds great!" I say smiling
"Great! I'll pick you up in 20?"
"I'll be ready!"

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