Is she Okay?

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When Brandon picked me up we drove for about two hours we drove to a beach and had a picnic he set up consisting of Cheesecake Factory foods. We talked, watched a movie, and even went for a walk on the beach. Since it was late we were the only two there. We were watching our movie and I was laying on Brandon's lap and he was running his hands through my hair. It was perfect. I sat up and looked at him.

"Thank you for this perfect night." I say to him smiling widely

"Thank you for coming." He says and my smile only grows wider.

"Can I ask you a blunt question?" I ask and he nods

"Yeah of course." He says rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

"When you left earlier... was it because I said we are only friends?" I ask "I... do you... do you like me? As more than a friend I mean?" I ask and instantly feel embarrassed and regret it "I'm sorry I shouldn't have as-" I start but am cut off when he kisses me out of nowhere. We pull apart and I smile out of the kiss.

"Kaylee. I want to be more than just your friend..." he says and I just reply by kissing him again.

"We should probably get going..." I say pulling out of the kiss and this time he is the one smiling like an idiot. We pack up all our stuff and head back to his car. We get in and start the two hour car journey home.

The next morning:
I wake up in my bed in my room but can't remember how I got here. Last thing I remember was sitting in Brandon's car. I decide to get up and take a shower. I get out of my shower and brush my hair. I put on gray sweatpants and a big loose thin black shirt. I brush my teeth and walk downstairs.

"Good morning sunshine" Dad says sarcastically seeing as it was 11:30 am.

"What's wrong you look like you are thinking really hard?" He asks me as he brings the orange juice to the table where he has made brunch. I grab a bowl and sit down as I fill it with fruit salad and Greek yogurt.

"I had the weirdest dream last night." I say "I mean I don't even remember what I did before bed... I just remember my dream and then waking up in my bed."

"That's because it wasn't a dream" Daddy says

"What?" I ask

"You went out with Brandon last night and got home really late. You fell asleep in his car so he carried you from the car up to your room." Daddy explains

"Oh" I say simply and in shock

"So what did you guys do?" Dad asks

"We went to a beach a couple hours away and made a picnic with food from Cheesecake Factory, watched a movie, talked, went for a walk on the beach, and... oh my god." I say and get instantly shocked when I remember we kissed and he told me he wants to be more than friends.

"What?" They both ask

"I have to go." I say quickly and put on my rainbow flip flops and grab my purse and keys and am out the door.

"KAYLEE" I hear my dads yell at me but I ignore them.

I drive to the Clevver office building. And quickly run up to Erin and Lilly's office. Completely ignoring the fact that I'm not even dressed for the day. I run into their office and throw the door open.

"Hey Kayls." Erin says

"Watcha doin?" Lilly says to me smirking. As they say this I notice Brandon is in there.

"Hey Kaylee." He says and gets up and kisses my cheek "I have to go film a cheat day but maybe we can hang out later?" He asks

"Mhm sure." I say through gritted but smiling teeth. And he walks out and closes the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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