A Shock

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I felt so sick writing this, really, this so painful. I'm hurting my poor nation children!

It had been three days. Three days ago  they lost Francis, Ivan, Kiku and Alfred. Three days ago Luciano showed up once again.

Luciano didn't say much. He told them that he had a plan. That they had to wait. He refused to tell the 1ps anything, only speaking to Lutz and Oliver.

Ludwig hated him. With every burning fiber of his being. This wasn't his Italy. This was a demon.

But he would work with him for now. If only to get his friends back.

For now.


Vash panted as he ran around another corner. He had no idea where he was going. The dungeon never seemed to end, though only a couple cell doors were closed.

Five. Only five of them were closed. He knew now who they belonged to now.

Lukas (Norway), Berwald (Sweden), Alfred and Kuro were in four of them.  The last, he assumed, held the small nation of Latvia.

He knew he wasn't going to survive here. Bernard had found him after he had fallen asleep the second time. He never got any sleep. He never ate. The only time they had stopped their game is when Vash had collapsed from exhaustion.

Even then, he had only been able to sleep until he could run again.

Vash covered his mouth and coughed harshly as he ducked around another corner.

This was not a game of hide and seek. No, this was run and don't let him catch up.

It was getting harder to breath by the time he ducked into an open cell. This one smelt, but he ducked into the room and pressed against the wall next to the door.

He gasped for breath, but stopped breathing altogether as he heard a voice along with footsteps.

"Come come out wherever you are~!"

Vash bit his tongue harshly, pressing even more into the wall and closing his eyes. He couldn't run anymore. His legs and lung hurt. His head hurt. Bernard would see him.

The feet passed him, and he allowed himself to relax. Finally.

"I found you~."

Vash couldn't stop himself from screaming as Bernard pulled him up by his hair.

No! No, he had left! Vash heard him leave!

He was already in a cell. Why did he hide in a cell?!

"Open your eyes~ I want to see your fear!"

Vash glared, opening his tear-filled eyes.

Vash's breathing picked up again as he was shoved against and chained to the wall, struggling, though it was feble.

He stopped breathing as his collar suddenly shocked him, before he screamed.

When he felt it stop, he slumped, panting heavily.

"Hmm. I wonder how high I can set this before it kills you." Bernard muttered, messing with the remote control. It appeared to have been altered, because it was larger and had more buttons.

Multiple shocks came. Each one more painful then the last.

A higher shock jolted from the collar, and Vash once again couldn't stop himself from letting out a loud scream, before his vision began to swim with black dots.

His body was burning. Why was his body burning?

Then, it was nothing. Just an odd, feeling of floating.


Kuro winced at every scream that echoed down the hall. He felt bile rise in his throat. This was his fault wasn't it?

He couldn't feel Kiku. He had no idea  what would happen if a 1p was killed, but he was worried. What if this was it? He felt so... Empty.

He heard the screaming die off. He hoped from the bottom of his cold heart that whoever it was wasn't dead.


Bernard frowned as the Vash went completely limp. That wasn't planned.

"What happened to your plaything?" A voice asked from behind him.

Bernard turned to see Egil, looking at him with sick interest.

"He burnt out. Thats not fair, I still wanted to play with him." Bernard mumbled sadly.

"Well I have my Brother's 1p and Leonas gets the American. Raimond has his 1p as well as yours. Go play with the Japanese one. Or steal another one." Egil added cheerfully, walking up to the chained up Swiss, and going to remove the shock collar with a little key.

"But I already went! To start the game a couple days ago!" Bernard pouted, unchaining Vash from the wall and holding him bridal style.

"Then I'll go. Do you want to keep him as leverage or get me to drop him off?" Egil offered

Bernard opened his mouth to say something when he looked down, surprised.

"Oh. He's alive. Barely." Bernard beamed, with a twisted smile.

"You'll have to ask Big Brother Magnus what might happen in his head. I don't think it's healthy to shock someone at suck high voltage." Egil mumbled, looking at the new Burns and scars around the Swiss's neck.

Bernard grinned even wider.

"No. Ask the 1ps. I have a plan~." He sang.


Yao and Arthur held hands going anywhere. They both seemed to need the other, no matter what they were doing.

Hell, Yao even let Arthur cook because he didn't want the other to far away.

(To be fair, since Yao was watching over him, Arthur's cooking wasn't to bad.)

No one relaxed. It was so quiet. To quiet.

Matthew held Kumajiro as he sat in Alfred's beat up coach next to Matt, watching Hockey on the T.V.

It wasn't that awkward once they got comfortable. But it didn't stay comfortable.

Because they couldn't last with three days of peace.

UGGG MY BABY. I'm so sorry, Vashy~

Next Chapter focuses on Ivan and Francis, Kiku and Alfred, as well as some... Minor characters showing up.

So. Au revior~

Note: I have a WW3 fic out as well, so go check that out. Italy isn't all as he seems....

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