Kermitkipz - RoseMitch - SMUT

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My Spanish exchange is gone now, so time to crack down on these requests I have!

Prompt: Kermitkipz smut in the water

Friggin' love this prompt!

Again, I added a little and in this story, it's a bit more primal, Mudkips are territorial whilst  frogs aren't and can't sense territories. The reason for this is that Mudkips are top of the food chain, while frogs are... well, near the bottom. Also, they don't wear clothes, as they are more animal like and have pouches that hides their areas. I can't explain it XD.


Quentin's P.O.V

I purred contently as I swept my eyes over my land. I was sunbathing to absorb heat needed for life processes, I am an amphibian after all. The sun embraced my skin perfectly until I was ready to patrol my territory.

The swamp biome I lived in was quite large with many weeping willows (I know they aren't in minecraft...) and oak trees scattered near the water and across the land. My swamp boarded a forest, where one of my good friends lived with his mate. A daring male human had entered his territory and the rest was history. I often mused over the idea of a mate, but from all the female mudkips I had seen... none had felt right. All of them were annoying, throwing themselves over me in an attempt to seduce me with their smell, but they all smelt the same. I hated the overpowering smell of flowers, chemicals and... lust.

I shuddered at the memories of that awful smell as I passed one of the small islands in the lake (he's swimming).

'I don't care how much the other males say it smells good and I should "Give it a go". I don't care how much they prize large butts and big boobs, I find it disgusting. They're all so desperate...' My lips pulled back into a cringe, I chased away any female who entered my swamp (WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MA SWAMP?! Sorry Shreck reference...). Oh! Did I forget to mention that they all think that they are the best. They strut up to you, waving their hips so it looks 'enticing' then rub against you, so you get a big whiff of their odor, then expect you to mark them as yours, no matter how much you try to ignore them. Fricking females sometimes... (I'm not insulting females as I am one myself, it's just for the story~).

I sigh and heave myself back to shore, nothing is out of place and I can't smell anything wrong. I felt rather tired and I battled to keep my eye lids open, but I was fighting a losing battle. My body relaxed and I drifted off into a light sleep.

-------Time skip~ A couple of hours later-------

I heard the subtle crunch of grass underfoot and my eyes shot open. Who would dare breech my territory?

'Not Jerome or Mitch or any other friends, they wouldn't sneak into my territory, not their style. Not a female either... they wouldn't be this quiet. Who would come here?' I kept still, attempting to sense the foot falls of the possible threat. The ground was vibrating quickly, meaning there are many of the creatures. Suddenly a larger vibration and a 'Thud' could be felt and heard. Something big...?

"Is he awake?"

"No, Sir! The mudkip is asleep, Sir!"

"Brilliant. Release our test subject."

"Yes, Sir!"

Now the sound of cranking filled the air and a new footfall appeared. It didn't seem as scared at the humans' ones. I decided I had had just about enough of whatever was going on. They were in my territory, they were breaching my home. I was going to make them leave. Rising from the ground, I turned my body towards the place of commotion, and as suspected, the humans froze in fear... the green thing did too.

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