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Hello. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Laura Hatson and I am daughter of Peter Hatson and Jessica Hatson.

I am actually a pretty good student. You see. I am on college. And I found a friend there. Her name is Tessa Yeager. And we have a lot in common. For example. We listen to same type of music, we have the same hobbies, we like the same genre of movies..... and lots of problems.

Anyway, this is my day at college. Don't worry. There won't be anything new so you won't miss anything.

Get up at 6AM, get a shower, clean myself up, while I'm at it listen to some radio music, get dressed and prepare myself for school.

Do you know that saying? Same shit different day? Yeah. My life is just that.

As I'm walking trough the corridor towards my locker, other students laugh at me or push me around. Why? Because of my hair color. My hairs are white-greyish. I don't hate my hair or the color, I don't even want to change it.

I think it goes well with my pale skin and light blue eyes. I also wear black or dark clothing so I wouldn't look like an idot. I think that I look like an idiot to them so it doesn't matter. I also wear black or dark makeup and jewelry. Can you imagine anything else on my skin?

Anyway, back to my day.

I walked to my locker and opened it. I started to pull out books and exercise books. Someone walked up to me and I didn't even need to look who it was.

"Hey, Zombie, how'd you sleep in your grave?" Elliot chuckled and his two friends too. I just rolled my eyes and took my sketch book. I closed my locker and continued my way into the class.

"Where'd you get those clothes? From a trash can?" They laughed again and I just ignored them.

I stepped into my class and they wanted to follow me but my classmates shooed them away. I was glad for that.

My classmates are like the rest of the school. They don't bother me, not really, but they are giving me looks or they just ignore me. Which is not bad, comparing to others. But when I got homework, I'm their best friend.

I sit behind my desk and prepared for the first lesson. History. Good God, something that can make me happy. I know. I'm weird.

I opened my sketch book and started drawing. You are asking what? Robots. A lot of robots.

I was drawing for five minutes until someone slammed his hand into the dask which startled me and made me look up. "Boo." Tessa smiled. "Well, hello to you too." I said and Tessa tilted her head.

"What's up?" "Nothing." I returned to my drawing. Tessa put her bag on her desk and draged her chair over to my desk. "Spill it out." I sighed and looked at her. "Same shit, different day." Tessa blinked and straightened her back. "Want me to break their noses?" She smiled and I smiled back and shook my head. "No. That won't solve anything."

The ring rang and Tessa quickly prepared for the lesson. The teacher came in and the lesson started. I was paying attention because I found History interresting for some reason.
We had another lessons but those were boring.

Then we had a lunch break and both me and Tessa were sitting alone at the table in the canteen.

"Can I come into your dorm room after PI?" Tessa looked at me. I shruged. "Why not. I don't have anything on my schedule anyway." The truth is I don't go to PI lessons anymore. They accused me of taking drugs. I'm not even kidding. Just because I was running faster than everyone. I call this bullshit.

After lunch, I dragged myself into my dorm room and shut the door behind me. I spared a glance at my silver radion. "Hey, Napoleon. I'm here." I walked up to my bed as I heard transformation sounds.

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