Chapter Nine

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Jerome's POV-

We had everything ready. All the guests had arrived, mostly our friends, and were all in position. The decorations were all set up, which included tons of streamers taped up all over the walls. I was checking everything off the list when Ty walked through the door with a chocolate oreo ice cream cake. "I hope I got the right cake," he muttered. "Don't worry, you got it right," I yelled to him as he walked into the kitchen! My phone rang, and I answered quickly. "Hey buddy, were pulling up in the driveway now," Mitch said excitedly. I smiled and said, "OK, the plan? Bring her upstairs and make her get changed. When she comes down, the party will begin!" With that, I hung up and yelled to everyone, "HIDE SHE'S COMING IN!" Everyone scrambled out of the living room into the basement. I turned off most of the lights, so the decorations couldn't be seen. Mitch came in carrying Hannah, who was laughing hysterically. When she saw me, she squealed "Jerome! Help me!" Mitch carried her up the stairs, and I heard a door close. Jason came in after, with about twenty shopping bags. "How can girls buy that much stuff in one trip to the mall?" He exclaimed, and dropped the bags at his feet, exhausted. I laughed, "You know girls man, they love to shop." Mitch came walking down the stairs, and yelled, "She's coming down in a minute Jerome! We have to hurry!" I called everyone up from the basement, and we all hid and turned off all the lights. It was pitch black in the living room. "Whose butt is in my face?" "Can someone get there foot out of my ribs?" Then, the room went quiet when we heard the familiar sound of footsteps heading down the stairs. "Hello? Guys? I swear if I get pelted with water guns in my new dress, I will hurt someone!" She sounded worried, but also kind of excited. I flipped on the lights. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" we all screamed! Hannah smiled a big smile, and the party began.

Hannah's POV-

I was so happy. I can't believe the guys did all this for me. There were hundreds of rainbow streamers everywhere, and the music from my ipod was playing full blast. Everyone was dancing and having a good time. Best Birthday ever. I walked into the kitchen, which had a three layer ice cream cake. There was every kind of pop imaginable, and there was also beer and wine coolers. I had never tried anything alchohalic, and I wasn't planning on getting drunk on my birthday. I'm sticking with Dr. Pepper. I poured myself a red solo cup full, and headed back into the party. I could tell alot of people were already drunk, by the number of empty cups, cans, and bottles strewn across the wood floor. Suddenly, I was dragged across the room by Mitch, who wanted me to meet some people. I was introduced to Preston, Rob, and Matt, who were all really cool. I could tell that Mitch and Matt were extremely drunk, based on the smell of their breath, and the amount of slurring they used in each sentence. I set my drink down, but then I was dragged off again by Mitch, who introduced me to so many people that I can't remember them all.

I sat down on the couch, exhausted, and laid back. I felt someone sit down next to me and I looked up, It was Rob. "Hey," He slurred. I smiled, "Hey there Mister Drunk," I teased. He thrust out his hand, and offered me a drink of his wine cooler. "You could be Misses Drunk with me," he winked. I shrugged off the thought of getting drunk and said, "I'll pass. I don't really drink." He shrugged and took another drink, "Probably for the best anyways. Look at me, I'm a mess." I laughed, and we talked for quite some time. Suddenly, Jerome appeared in front of me and Rob, and dragged someone up next to him. "Hannah, this is Chris, one of my good friends." I looked up. Chris, the one I had left on the curb only a few days ago, was standing in front of me. I stood up, "What the hell is he doing here Jerome?!" Thank god Jerome wasn't drunk, because he realized that something was wrong. "Do you know each other?" He asked. I was on the brink of tears, "It's Chris. The person I told you about." Both Jerome and Chris's faces paled from my response. "Listen Hannah, I can explain." Chris was trying to fix what he had done. "Get the hell away from me! You can't explain! You can't fix this Chris! You can't fix everything!" He stepped back in shock. Jerome stuttered, "I'm sorry Hannah.... I didn't know that Chris was...." I didn't let him finish.

I grabbed Rob's hand, and walked away from them. Rob frowned and again, offered me his wine cooler, "Come on. It will take your mind off of it." I sighed and pushed it away, "That's ok. I really don't......" I stopped. I really was mad that Chris was here. I really didn't give a damn about anything, and in the end, I smiled up at Rob and said, "I don't want to drink you're. I'll go get my own." Rob cheered, and picked me up. "To the kitchen!" He crowed. A minute later, I had a Raspberry Smirnoff Ice in my hand. I thought about it for a second, and then brushed away my common sense. Screw it, it's my party, I can do what I want. I lifted the bottle to my lips, and took a long drink. I laughed at the bubbly feeling I got from it. I felt light and airy. I Rob grinned at said, "To Eighteen!" I raised my glass and took another drink.

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