Chapter Twenty-Three

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HFS!! Thanks so much for 3k reads! My mind is like on steroids! I can't think of anything else to say... So LEZ GO!


Mitch's POV-

That little disease. She did this! There is no way in hell Jerome would cut himself. "I understand now..." he said as I cleaned up his cut on his leg. Then, I grabbed the shoebox and carried it outside to the trash. I was surprised to see Hannah already outside, digging through the trash. She turned and saw me, and her face whitened in surprise. I noticed her hands were shaking, and she looked panicked. When she saw the box, she didn't think, she just acted.

I knew what she was going to do, so I lifted the box above my head out of her reach.

"P-p-please Mitch! I need it!" I shook my head, and dumped the box into the trash. "NO!" she screamed. I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder, she struggled and kicked, but I didn't let go.

I put her down inside of my room, and locked the door. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You made Jerome cut himself! You little disease, ruining all my friends!" She looked at me in shock. "J-J-Jerome cut?" I looked at her in disgust. "How do you feel now? You better feel sorry!" I was yelling now, not realizing what I was doing to her. "How I f-f-felt before I came." she sat down and curled into a little ball. I realized what I had done. Hannah was an emotional wreck. I was a monster. Suddenly, Adam burst into the room. "Hannah!" he rushed over to her. He shook her by the shoulders, but she was spaced out, looking at the wall. "What the hell did you do!?" he screamed! I sat down and put my head in my hands. What did I do?

Marie's POV-

Adam grabbed Ty and I, and we drove Hannah to the hospital. The doctors rushed her to the emergency room, leaving us to wait in the hard plastic chairs. Adam paced back and fourth worriedly, but a look of anger was on his face.

I felt Ty's fingers entwine with mine, but I was worried. I had seen this before. One of my good friends had a seizure with the same symptoms, and had died because no one had realized she was in danger. I squeezed Ty's hand for comfort, and he squeezed back. I hoped Hannah would be ok.

Carolynn's POV-

Mitch hadn't spoken since they took Hannah to the hospital. I had tried comforting him, giving him hugs and telling him it was going to be ok. He still hadn't responded.

"Mitch? What's bothering you?" He shook his head, and sighed. "I yelled at Hannah and gave her the panic attack. It was my fault." I looked at him in shock. I brought my hand back and slapped him across the face, hard."OW!" he yelped. "That's for doing something that stupid," I frowned. Then, I kissed him on the cheek, "Think before you act, next time ok?" He gave me a weak smile, and I leaned on his shoulder. I wish there was something I could do, I thought.

Adam's POV-

Mitch was such an idiot! It was all his fault! I was worried sick about her, she hadn't spoken all the way here. Just stared into space. My thoughts were interrupted by the doors swinging open. A doctor came through and asked "Who brought in the girl that suffered from a anxiety attack?" The word anxiety struck me hard. All three of us followed the doctor through the double doors and into Hannah's room. She was sitting in a chair, looking out the window. She looked angelic in the white hospital gown, her hair flowing down the side.

"Hannah suffered from a severe anxiety attack from a past even in her life. Something triggered it, which caused her to have the attack. You were lucky to bring her in on time, because it could've been fatal." I whisper a silent prayer, but I can tell the doctor has more news. I notice that Hannah still hasn't noticed he are in the room.

I walk over to her, not listening to the doctor, and put my hand on her shoulder. She turns in surprise and has a terrified expression on her face. I see her eyes have turned a stormy grey color to replace her beautiful hazel ones, and the doctors words echo in my ears. "Because of the attack, Hannah's brain has lost connection to her eyes. She has lost her sight."


Oh damn, I did four POV's in one chapter! Hows that for a power move? And Oh my gosh Hannah's blind! Unexpected! At least I didn't put her in a coma (that's too predictable XD). Wait! Jerome doesn't know yet. Or does he? Wait and see next chapter. I've got big plans for this book, and I finally got a ton planned for it.

Hope y'all enjoyed


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