Chapter Thirty-Four

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Hannah's POV-

I remember putting in Frozen and sitting on the couch with Jerome. I couldn't shake this feeling that someone was watching me. I felt my eyes getting heavy, and I leaned on Jerome's shoulder. "Tired?" He asked. I yawned, "Be my pillow please?" He chuckled and nodded. I snuggled up next to him and slowly drifted off.

Seconds later I felt something jerk me awake, and I sat up. I was now alone on the couch, and I was in a different room. The walls were bleach white, and the floor was a dark oak. My blanket was still wrapped around my shoulders, but I still felt cold. 'Where am I?' I thought. I stood up, and felt along the walls. No exit. I was trapped. I felt myself begin to panic. "Just calm down Hannah, calm down. It's gonna be okay. Okay?" I kept talking to myself, hoping I wouldn't have another anxiety attack.

I started shaking. "Please let me out," I said, my voice quaked. I hit the wall. Pain spread through my palm. I had never liked small spaces. I hit the wall again, with my hand barred into a fist. "Let me out!" I screamed, over and over. My knuckles were now bloodied, but the wall looked as though I had never touched it.

I sank to the floor, tears streaming down my face. I was literally losing my sanity bit by bit in this room. Then suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a voice. "Hannah, calm down." I look up to see someone sitting on the couch. I wipe my tears away so I can see clearer. Once I see who it is, I burst out crying and run over.

"Chris? It's really you?" He smiles. "It's really me Hannah. 110%" I buried my face in his shirt and cried. He embraced me and waited for me to calm down. "H-how is this happening?" I stuttered, and Chris motioned for me to sit. "It's all you Hannah. You have a special talent." I sat up surprised. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. "I know you wanted me to be straight with you, so I'll just say it Hannah." He said with a straight face. "You can talk to the dead."

That you drag aound on your feet.

There it was again. "Why do you do it Hannah?" He asks, "Why do you make yourself miserable?" I sighed, "Because I deserve it Chris. I killed you, it's all my fault." He shook his head, "Everything happens for a reason Hannah. I wasn't happy." I shook my head, " I loved you Chris, why did you betray me?" He took my hands in his, "Because I cared about you Hannah. I was worried. I know I made a huge mistake, and I've broken your trust." I squeezed his hands, and said the words I didn't know I had in me.

"I forgive you Chris."

Adam's POV-

I still felt kind of bad about what I had done to Hannah. Carolynn and Marie would soon face my revenge later. As I was collecting my thoughts, I accidentally crashed into someone. I was talking a walk on the beach, alone. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I stammered, helping the person up. I was suddenly met by a pretty pair of blue and green eyes. "It's okay, I never look where I'm going when I'm listening to music." She pulled off her headphones.

She had red curly hair, and had lightly tanned skin. She was sporting a pair of hightops, and was wearing a shirt that said 'Keep calm and love One Direction.' "I'm Adam, and you are?" She smiled, dimples slightly showing, "I'm Becca." Becca, what a pretty name. "Thanks," she blushed. Wow, I just said that out loud. I scratched the back of my head, "I swear you look familiar." She says, breaking the awkward silence. I realized she did as well. "Wait, did we go to..." I started to say, but then me both realized. "You went to high school with me!" We both said it at the same time, which was hilarious. I doubled over from laughing so hard.

"So, you want to get some ice cream?" I asked after we had finished laughing. "Yeah, sounds cool." She said smiling. I offered her my hand, and she took it. As we walked across the sand, I realized what had just happened. Cupids arrow had found it's mark.


Congratulations to @bajans_direction for getting picked! I loved all your entries but I could only choose one. Sad world, I know. Anyways, thought I would give just a bit of paranormal crap thrown in there. Gives the story a little flare. Hope everyone liked the chapter!

By the way. I am literally speechless. 10k reads. HFS, 10,000 reads. So many zeros holy duck ponds! Thanks for getting me here guys!


- FloridaXD

Fact #8- I am graduating this year from middle school this year. Currently 15 and single, living the fun life!

Question to answer:

Has my story ever helped you through something tough? Let me know please, I care about you all so much!

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