Eye Spy

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Michael was slowly walking, stalking some traveling group. It was the third one this week and he was getting tired. He hadn't eaten for what felt like a month.

His one dead eye was looking around slowly as his entrails dragged behind him slowly cascading down the bottom of his red hoodie. He was limping from the last group who he'd chased after. They shot him in the right leg. His left eye had been eaten when he turned. He couldn't remember how he died exactly.

He always walked with the same people. It seemed endless. To his right was always Rich. He was a fireman when this all started. Got bit in the neck. He died on impact though. He fell five stories from a burning building and broke both legs. Luckily he could still walk. Occasionally he would crawl. Depended on if he was feeling excited. Today he was walking.

To the left was an Asian girl. She seemed to have been in politics from the look of her dirty skirt. She had an axe in her back and a chunk out of her arm. That one was Christine. One of her heels had somehow impaled someone's eye before, so he knew she was there by the sound of consistent squishing. It was really comforting.

Lastly talking up the rear was JD. Michael didn't really know how he showed up, but one day he just joined formation. His arms had been blown off and he had rocks stuck in his chest. Michael didn't really like him. He'd breathe too loud.

In the distance he heard gunshots. "Fuck! My leg! Jake! Jenna! Help!" A man screamed. Michael stumbled into a clearing and saw a tower. In front we're four people dragging one person along. He stopped to take in the sight as about ten of the fallen followed them.

JD pushed past him and grunted. Michael ignored him. Rich and Christine had stopped too. Lucky they did because a few seconds later a gunman came out and started shooting from the top of the tower. The group of three watched as the rest of the turned were mowed down.

Looks like dinner was served, but they couldn't get to it.

Michael locked eye with the injured one on the ground. He was kinda cute. He was pulled into the safe tower.

The group decided to rest here for the night, not knowing if the others were ready to kill them more than they were already dead. They sat in the cold to wait.

Rich looked at them. "Hgramfff rrruchsrjke roandbr." Which ruffly translated to, "Holy crap guys did you see those pretty Fleshies! I like the tall one. More muscle!"

Christine rolled her neck hearing the pop with every roll. "Fhsjebfjgj, sssswuqe rhaseldnsj..." which said, "I know right! I call dibs on the pretty one with the saw, she's cute!"

Michael sighed. He looked beside him and an eye rolled from the field and looked up at him. He picked it up and ate it. "Hhhnnnfsh rombahto dbcusnslf." which can only be interpreted as, "Guys I think I'm in love. Did you see how blue those eyes were..." He sighed, and sneezed out something. It was pink. Huh.

At daybreak the forest border provided shade and fog as the three turned to look at the tower opening. Out strolled the four of the same fleshies that they had seen last night. One was missing.

Michael made a high pitched rrrrrrr-ing sound to get the others attention and he slumped to the side to direct them to look in that direction. There stood blue eyes, tall kid, and pretty girl...along with some scrawny kid with golden hair that looked sick.

Michael started to shuffle out, but was stopped by Rich. He pointed to the gun tall kid had in his belt. Michael noticed blue eyes was carrying a knife and pretty girl had a chainsaw.

He slumped and tried to stand. He wouldn't let weapons stand in his way, and he didn't see the gun man in the tower. Before he could walk out ten turned emerged from the forest beside the living group. The small fleshies group turned and ran the other way. However as they ran Blue eyes tripped and fell. He groaned and tried to stand. Michael gasped, or more like gargled. He stumbled over to blue eyes quickly.

Blue eyes glared at him and Michael kept a distance away eyeing blue eye's knife. "GURANDF GRREEEEOM!" He shouted at the others approaching pointing to the other body's scattered across the field. The others quickly backed off afraid of Michael's threat to eat their eyes like the others if they didn't turn back.

Rich and Christine stayed in the tree line, scared for their dead friends health. Michael was the nicest turned they'd ever known. It'd be a shame to eat him.

"Don't come any closer!" Blue eyes stated trying to stand. He held his knife out like a lifeline. Michael ignored him and waddled closer. He stood above Blue eyes and held out his hand. Christine covered her eyes.

Blue snarled and stabbed Michael in the hand. Michael just looked at his hand slowly. "Oh..." Michael said. He offered his other hand.

Blue eyes stood by himself slowly. Michael smiled at him and pulled the knife out of his hand. He held it out to Blue eyes.

"The hell is this..." Blue eyes said quickly taking his knife. Michael could feel Blue eyes debating if he should kill him for real. Then he sighed. "Thanks I guess. I'm Jeremy, if you can understand me." Jeremy was a beautiful name. Michael smiled brightly. His yellow teeth shining as much as possible.

"Mmmmiiiicccccccchhhhhaaaellllll" Michael moaned excitedly. It had been so long since he had talked to anyone in the flesh. He pointed over to the bodies laying on the ground. Rich was already devouring one. He'd figured Michael would keep the fleshie from killing him. Christine was still at the tree line. Michael waved her over and pointed to JD. She smirked and walked over. She didn't like JD either.

Jeremy looked over to where Michael was pointing. "Are those your friends Michael?" Michael nodded feeling his neck snap more with the nods. Jeremy winced.

"Rrrrrrrrrriiicchhhh," he pointed to Rich and then pointed to "Cchhhhrrrrrriissssttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinne." Jeremy nodded.

Right. The nice zombie had friends.

Hi, Bee here,

Yah I know I got Hidden Beneath The Scars to do, but I had an idea and I couldn't let it go. Comment if you want me to continue. I'm gunna write it anyway even if you tell me you don't like it, but it's nice to have opinions so I know what to change if my writing sucks.

Love ya~

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