Only Have Eyes For You

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Jeremy decided the best course of action would be to stay with the friendly corpses. Rich rambled as he ate about the tall kid he saw. Rich had spent a lot longer as a turned so he didn't remember how to speak fleshie. He was just happily gargling away to Christine, who was probably ignoring him. Michael just chucked and sat in the grass of the clearing next to Jeremy. He was messing with his intestines shyly.

Jeremy was pulling bandages out of his backpack. He pulled out a brace for his leg. He glanced over to Michael. "There's a river near here. I bet I could get you and your friends cleaned up. I have needles and thread to sow up...that stuff on the ground you keep poking, back into where ever it was before." Michael looked at his friends. He posed the idea to them. Rich let out a happy yes, and Christine eyed Jeremy. She stumbled over and got really close to him.

Jeremy's stomach dropped. Was she going to bite him? She booped his nose and Jeremy flinched. Michael was about to tell her off, but she smiled at Jeremy and angled his face toward hers. No. Nonononono n o! Michael thought. He thought she liked the other one! Jeremy was his!

Instead she just giggled and let go of his face. "Odhfnekdfj." Or in fleshie, "Michael you picked a good one. He lets us touch him already. You go get'em tiger!" She pushed Jeremy away and stood with her arms crossed.

Jeremy was looking straight ahead in shock. He had blood all over his face now. He looked delicious. Michael carefully put his cold hand over Jeremy's. It was just laying in the grass and he couldn't pass up the opportunity. Jeremy looked at Michael. His pale face held a slight blush behind the blood. "Uh, okay, I g-guess that's a yes then."

The dead called over Rich, who was just finishing up, and they started following the fleshie. They were very protective of him. When they reached the water it had a small beach the odd group could sit at. Rich got excited and fell on his face. Christine laughed until she realized he was crawling to the water quicker than when he was walking to it.

Jeremy looked around and smiled as he heard garbled laughter before Rich zoomed past his feet. He yelped and backed up. He slipped on Michael's hanging guts and into Michaels arms. Michael couldn't blush, but if he could he'd be blushing. Jeremy shivered and looked up at Michael who was laughing and smiling. Michael helped Jeremy to his feet carefully. He picked up his stomach from the ground and flung it over his shoulder so Jeremy wouldn't trip again.

Jeremy made a face. Michael then realized how bad he must smell. He looked down at his feet. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something.

Holy shit! As quick as Jeremy had ever seen a zombie move Michael dashed past him and into the forest. Christine grabbed Jeremy's hand and pulled him to the beach.

He heard a series of grunts then a thump. "Michael!" He yelled. Christine walked cautiously to the edge of the woods. Rich grabbed Jeremy's ankle and Jeremy held back a scream. He looked down. Rich wasn't even looking at Jeremy. His eyes were trained on the forest.

Silent as death. Then some rustling. Michael emerged with a new bite mark on his hand. He looked like a badass. Blood was dripping from his mouth. He held something in his hand.

He walked past Christine and gave her a small smile. She went into the woods and came back with a crushed head. She put it in the sand next to her as a trophy. Michael walked to Jeremy and opened his hand. Inside were a pair of eyes cut in half to look like a strange heart. It was held together with a stick.

Jeremy felt like he was going to barf. He smiled weakly and shook Rich off his leg, who let go immediately.

Michael helped Rich to his feet as he watched Jeremy walk further down the beach and start violently vomiting. Michael gasped. He looked to Christine who pointed to some bushes nearby. They held blueberries. Michael smiled and walked over. He picked a big leaf off the tree and started filling the leaf with berries. Soon Rich and Christine came and helped.

When Jeremy turned around the three undead were picking berries from the bush. On the sand, written, it seems, by Christine read, 'Getting food for you, Michael got worried. Clean up before we get back.' Jeremy looked at the message in shock.

He must be dreaming. Zombies know how to write! Amazing! He looked back over to the group who were just chatting gibberish now. He carefully stripped out of his dirty shirt and pants until he was only in his boxers. He carefully slipped into the freezing river. He washed his clothes as he swam around. He washed the blood off his face.

When he came back to the bank Michael was sitting on a rock looking at him with his eye. He had a silly little grin on his face as he glanced down Jeremy's flushed body.

Michael was one smooth badass Zombie. Jeremy smiled back and put his clothes across some rocks to dry as he went and sat next to Michael.

After a while of silence Michael took off his hoodie with much difficulty and maneuvering. Sometimes he just wished he could rip out his organs. It would make life easier. He would constantly get them caught on things. There was a clean hole through the bottom of his hoodie were a blade had sliced him open. Flys were flying in and out of Michael. He took off his tee-shirt too. Leaving just his carved body behind.

He must have been quite a person when he was alive. There were bullet Scars all around his body.

Jeremy smiled at stood. "Let's get you clean then."

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