Family/Ships/Crush Page

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This is where I will list who is mates, and their offspring, along with which characters have a crush on who, and who I ship. XD. If your cat has a crush on another character comment and I'll add it. Same with the family.

Soundweb and Hawkgleam = Kitekit, Chasekit, Specterkit, and Phantomkit

Stormbreeze and Unknown = Whisperkit, Echokit, and Tigerkit

Ghostbriar and Freezestorm = Stormbreeze, Soundweb, and Littlebriar

Softthorn and Unknown = Featherkit and Dustkit.

Rosefrost and Rouge = Bearkit, Cloverkit, and Crowkit.

Rosefrost and Nightflame

Spottedstar and Unknown = Oak, Snowpaw, and Boakit.

Tempestdance on Wolfheart

Stormstar x Rainspirit = Stormspirit

Hawktalon x Brightfrost = Hawkfrost 0.0
Illuminate confirmed

Flamepaw x Mintpaw = Flamemint or Mintflame

Onyx x Thistle = Thiyx

Tempestdance x Owltail = Tempesttail or Owldance

Ravenshade x Dapplemaple = Ravenmaple, Dappleshade, OR Mapleshade.
Illuminate Confirmed

Tempestdance x Wolfheart = Wolfdance or Tempestheart

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