Importance Board

158 3 17

Important News: This Leaf-Bare has been the harshest in the memories of the clans, and there is little food. A plump anything is rare to come by and valued. Tensions are rising and more border disputes over the scrawniest of prey are becoming more and more frequent.

A new clan has shown up all of the sudden. They've followed the warrior code for generations and simply slipped into clan life easily. They call themselves Mountainclan, I wonder what new things they'll bring to the table.

Current Season: Leaf-Bare

Meadowclan Cats: 13
Willowclan Cats: 18
Strikeclan Cats: 8
Echoclan Cats: 14
Creekclan Cats: 14
Starclan Cats: 2
Dark Forest Cats: 1
Kittypets: 5
Rouges: 4


Meadowclan: Missions Completed: 0
Some dogs have appeared! Create a party of 4+, pm me and drive them out!

Willowclan: Missions Conpleted: 0
Nightdove is running low on honey, and luckily a warrior spotted a hive. Except they can sting you, and that hurts. Create a party of 2+, pm me and go fetch that honey!

Echoclan: Missions Completed: 0
The nursery has been infested with bats! Create a party of 3+ pm and go kill'em!

Strikeclan: Missions Completed: 0
A rouge has been trespassing on your territory, gather a group of 2+, pm me and go teach it a lesson.

Creekclan: Missions Conpleted: 0
A kits gone missing! Create a party of 3+, pm me and go find that kit before it's to late!

Forbidden Love
Hawktalon the Ex-Deputy (Now warrior) of Echoclan x Brightfrost the warrior of Meadowclan.

Ravenshade the warrior of Creekclan x Dapplemaple the warrior of Meadowclan.

Arrived Kits
Featherkit and Amberkit were born to Stormstar and Rainspirit, congratulations Creekclan.

Thorn, Ivory, and Briar were born to Onyx and Thistle, congratulations Kittypets.

Current Prophecy
When the winter winds cut deeper
Striking those in even the deepest hollow. The rumbling pang of hunger as inescapable as echos. Sound bouncing off again and again, as consistent as the dappled leaves fall every Leaf-Fall. The sundown creek will guide you, immune to the frost that creeps up herbs and nettles alike. Consuming meadows and clearings in their icy tomb. Bring forth a torch of burning flame, to help traverse the icy path. Seek shelter in the willows where the wild buck and doe roam. From there dare the narrow road. When the sky rains down tears of searing pain you'll find your savior.

Starclan's Gift A Warrior Cat RPWhere stories live. Discover now