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I sat on my chair and my knee hurts, I tried to press it and I think that that's a bruise in there.

Tiffany is sitting beside me." Hey!" She smiled.

" Hey, tiff." I greeted.

" So where is geoff ?" She asked.

" Oh, I don't know, but maybe he's with the freak Awsten ." I say.

" Oh, okay." She arranged her things. " Can you go shopping with me? I'll treat you."

" Oki ..." I smiled.

The classes started. Geoff and the boys arrived late.


" Hey! Let's go." Tiffany tapped my shoulders.

" Okay! Calm down" I fixed my things up and stood up.

I walked through the door, and I suddenly stumbled, Awsten's foot is in there.

It's his fault. " What are you thinking?!" I shouted at him. Tiff helped me to get up.

" Weyt(what) ey (are) ye(you) tenking(thinking?!" He imitated what I say.

I am so annoyed. We walked away and go to the mall.

" So this is our mall." She said.

" What!?" I said shockingly.

"It's ours" she raised an eyebrow.

We continued to walk.

"So what did you need to buy?" I asked.

"Uhm, I want a new phone and some other things." She said, and this girl is the richest like Awsten .

"Oh my god." I said.

"Don't worry, I'll buy you a new phone, and look at your phone that looks like the first apple phone" she winks.

We went to the apple store.

"S what do you want, rose gold, gold or space gray?" She asked.

" You decide." I smiled.

"Okay, I'll choose two Iphone 6s plus, rose gold." She told the manager at the store.


After buying a phone we went to some fashion stores. I saw some nice clothes but I don't like them, so I let tiff to shop.
"Jess, I can't decide, you decide, black or this pink one?" She compared the two shirts in front of her.
" The black one." I pointed though the black shirt.
Finally we are finished. She brought a lot of things.
"Hey you ugly monster!" I heard a voice, I take a look at my back and that is Awsten with Otto and Geoff .
"Hey," Geoff approached.
"Hey," I smiled.
I ignored Awsten and Geoff went to the arcade with them.
"We should go home." Tiff suggested.

I nodded and smiled then we walked though the car park.

"Don't you have a brother or sister or your parents to come with you to do the shopping?" I asked.

"I'm just an only child, but I have an older brother, he died with cancer and mom and dad were always busy, they just give me some money for me to do whatever I want." She explained.

"Oh sorry for that." I said.

We entered the car and she drove.

"But sometimes,my dad has more time for me, and mom is always on the work. I think the only thing that they become not busy for me is the prom they are supportive for me in that time." She put on her seat belt.

"So you're just alone in your house?" I took a sip of my coke and she started the car.

"No, the maids, I only bond with them and they are like my second family." She smiles and drives.

" For me my dad is working and mom too, and at the same office but sometimes we don't have money, and we are not that rich, just a normal family, my mom is always mad at me, and my dad is sweet." Actually this talk is getting a little dramatic.

" We have the same situation." She raised her shoulder like"" yeah?!".

"Yeah." I said.

"So tomorrow, we have a long day." She sadly said.

"Yeah, hate it but we need to do it." I stretched up.

"Is this your house?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said. "Okay, bye." She waved her hand off.

"Thanks, Bye." I went down the car and got my new phone.

She drove and I just realised that, 'I just took a ride in a Ferrari.'


The next day.

I am in my school right now, I checked my phone, I have so many notifications so I checked what they all were about.

"" Freak, little Tweety bird.""


I saw myself, all of those people are laughing.

I cried and ran into the restroom, but suddenly I bumped into a guy.

"Hey, Miss why you crying?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Nothing." I said. The people walked away, because the bell had just gone but maybe I'm not going to my next class, I felt so embarrassed.

"I'm Luke." He handed me a tissue.

"I'm jessica , Thanks." I wiped my eyes. He saw my phone and I gave it to him.

"This is bad, I know who did this. It's Awsten ." He swayed his head.

We sat at the bench and he trying to comfort me.

"How long has he bullied you for?" He asked.

"I'm new at this school, he saw me on the first day wearing a bad tweety bird shirt but, I didn't know that he took a picture and edited it." I explained.

"Do you want to report this?" He wrapped his hand around me in a friendly manner.

"No I'm scared." I looked down at my feet.

He nodded. He helped me to get up from off the bench and we walked though my classroom.

"Okay jess, let's meet at the cafeteria?" He smiled.

"Oh, sure." I said.

I entered the classroom and all of the students laughed.

"Stop that people." Our teacher shouted.

Luckily  I wasn't wearing a bad outfit. I was wearing a black shirt white pants and some brown flip flops.

"Hey I like your photo." Awsten teased.

"It's your fault." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey jess, what happened in your photo?" Tiffany laughed. I thought she was a real friend.

"Oh, are you happy with that?" I asked.

"Not that much, maybe Awsten did that, sorry jessica ." She became really sweet. Still mad at her.

"I tried to stop Awsten in that photo, he printed those and posted your photo. I wasn't with her in that time that he took your picture. Sorry." Geoff sat beside me and explained.

"It's okay. I'm just going to my locker to get some books." I smiled.

I left the room.

Accidentally in love with Awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now