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I'm on my way to class. I sat on my chair and wrote the things down.

I went to the cafeteria because I'll meet the owner of the dorm. " Good morning.' I greeted. She smiled.' So about your new roommate, he is going to be your new roommate, and yeah it's a boy, he will arrive a little bit later when you get home, any questions?"

"Oh." I became so shocked because it's a boy.

We got back and we ate lunch, I went back to class, to talk to my friends, and others.

After cleaning, I went into the lobby and waited for my roommate.

"Oh there she is.' The woman in the lobby said and pointed to me. " Is, miss, do you know where room 127 is?" He asked.

I turned around and saw Otto , I became so shocked because that's One of my bullies that hangs around Awsten .

"Otto?" I said in shock. " Yeah....Jess is that you?" He said in shock as well.

"Oh my god." I said. "It's been ages!" He said and I gave a quick hug.

I felt so awkward that I'm living with one my bullies.

We rode in the elevator, we talked about things and whatsoever.

"How about you and Luke " I heard that you two had broke up?" He asked.

"Yeah we broke up, and it's been a year since we haven't talked." I said and we arrived at the floor where the room was.

We walked into the room.

"Here;s my room, your side will be on the left and my side is the right." I smiled. "Sorry for a messy room." "It's okay," he smiled.

He put his things away in the cabinet and put his laptop on the desk.

He took off his jacket and now he is wearing his ' dodgers' baseball tee.

"So what do you want for dinner?" I asked, maybe I'm just going to buy and I'm not going to eat the meal that I brought last night.

"Uhm, you can decide." He mumbles.

"Ok, I'm just going to buy a takeaway meal." I smiled.

I grabbed my jacket and slip on my shoes.

I went to the fast food section, I got a burger and fries, and as for Otto I got him the same meal.

I went back to the dorm." Here.' I handed him his food.

He thanked me and we ate our meals, what if sometimes the boys come here and I'll see Awsten ? Ugh, I'm just going to be a good friend for Otto.

"So what course are you taking?" I asked.

"Architecture." He said. I nodded and continued to eat.

I got rid of all the wastes and threw them in the bin. He is busy now, he plays drums. And I'm just studying.

"So when you're going to start?" I broke the awkwardness.

"Ugh, tomorrow." He replied.

I nod.' Did you know that Luke doesn't feel any pain when you two broke up?" He said.

"Oh wow. Me too, I hate him but I've moved on." I smiled.

I Didn't feel any pain within that time, but now, I cry everyday.

Then my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, ... Uhm who is this?" I asked and this is so creepy.

"I'm ... Someone. The event is moved this week like next next day."

"Ok, you're creepy. Thanks for the info bye." i said and ended the call.

That's so creepy. I'm freaked out.

It's 10pm. I decided to change in my pyjamas, gladly, the room is separated like there's plywood in between.

I changed and did my night time routine. I laid down on my bed and opened my phone.

I am still freaked out who might of caused that phone call whoever it was he or she is stalking me and that's so creepy.

But I'm so excited for the contest.


I woke up and needed to go to school.

I got up straight away and did my morning routine.

I woke my black jeans, with a white striped top, topped with a grey cardigan.

Today is the contest but I need to go to the guidance office.

I got my things and went to my locker for a minute.

I put my books in there and I saw someone had snuck into my locker and left a note in there.

the note had said.

The show will start at 1pm :)

I freaked out, there's no body in the hallways because the show is going to start. It is already 12:30, gladly my friends saved a seat for me. I travelled my eyes around and I saw nothing my heart beats so fast.

So about me and Awsten . I broke up with Luke because I like Awsten , and I really like him. I don't know why i said "yes" to Luke even if I didn't like him, from the very very start, I like Awsten . I can't explain why. I remembered that I have a childhood crush when I was in the 7th grade. His name was Awsten knight . Yeah that's it!

So Awsten is my crush since I was a kid! It must of been fate.

I'm on my way to the contest.

When I was a kid I was such a nerdy geek. Then I like this boy, he likes photography. And that is Awsten Knight . And his friend court me, but I broke up with him. Then a few days had passed, I had chosen to say it to him, that I like him, but I heard that he got a girlfriend.

I sat on the chair.

The show was beginning to start, It started with my friends and then the next.

Awsten was inside. I still can't believe.

It's Awsten's turn.

They called his name.

"What's your subject for your photos?" The host asked. But the pictures are still not shown.

"It's about this girl, when I was in the 7th grade, I liked photography, I took photos of her everyday, her face is so perfect, until now." Awsten said and I was in shock.

"But where did you focus?"

The host asked.

"Uhm, on her eyes." Awsten looked around and it's like he's finding something.

"Ok so let's show her the photos!" The host said.

All of the things slowed down then they brought out the pictures.

I saw myself when I was young up to now.

"Wow! She looks so beautiful." The host said and now Awsten wasn't there.

I'm so shocked.

I stood up to leave. Then someone grabbed my hand.

"Oh." I said and I was about to fall down the stairs. He was shocked so he pulled me back up bridle style, I feel so loved.

"This is for you." He handed me an old scrapbook.

I nod. I decided to stay.

"That's her.' Awsten said. All of the girls became sad and said that I'm so lucky.

Accidentally in love with Awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now