#7 "Thank you." [Scorch Trials] (movie)

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Minho quietly played with the last bites of his food, pushed them around the plate with his fork boringly as he listened to these two new boys they had just met talking about that place. The Asian boy could sense that Newt and Thomas, and practically all his fellow Gladers were interested in what those boys had to say, and he had to admit he was slightly interested too - that place made him feel slightly uneasy, and he definitely wanted to know more about the people working there.

Especially about Janson - he saw the man coming into the dining room, calling out random people's names, and then taking the youngsters somewhere else entirely. Minho was confused, to say the least.

"Where are they going?" he asked once the table went silent, no one really knew what to say. "Where's Rat Man taking them?"

"Rat Man? You mean Janson, right?" one of the boys let out a laugh and looked back at the door through which Janson had taken the youngsters. "We don't know, man. Once they go through that door, you don't hear from them again. They are taken to some place safe, given new lives, away from the Scorch." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Really?"Minholooked at him, unamused. He was just about to roll his eyes and look back down at his plate of food when something behind the boy caught his attention. Subtly, Minho leaned forwards slightly and sideways, his gaze then fell upon a lonely girl sitting just a table away from theirs, all on her own.

She was boringly staring at her hands, her tray of food had been pushed away and to the side so she could lean over the table freely. She had barely eaten anything, as Minho could tell most of the food had been untouched. She was quiet, her face held no emotion. Minho stared at her for a while, took in her appearance: she had (hair/length) (hair/colour) hair, (skin/colour) skin, and beautiful (eye/colour) eyes. From time to time she'd look up and around her at the place, and Minho had the chance to look at her eyes when she did that. And he had to admit that she was beautiful.

However, besides her incredible beauty, what truly caught his attention was the fact that she was alone. Minho didn't really have to look around him to know that there were dozens and dozens of teenagers sitting at the tables all around the dining room, their chatter and laughter it was an obvious sign of that. But this beautiful girl was alone, no one was sitting with her at her table.

Minho felt slightly bad about that. That was exactly why, when she looked up and around once again and her gaze met his, he didn't look away. He kept her gaze, hoping to get some sort of reaction from her besides her emotionless face. And it was subtle, but he managed to see a small smile showing on her lips right before she broke eye contact and darted her gaze to look back down at her hands.

And Minho couldn't help but to smirk slightly. She had smiled at him. He then felt someone nudging him in the ribs softly while he kept his gaze on her, just in case she decided to look around again and look at him, but the nudging forced him to stop staring at her. He looked to his side and raised an eyebrow at Newt, who was questioningly staring at him.

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