Minho stirred a bit in his hammock, groaning softly as he shifted his position. Both his right arm and leg were dangling now over the edge of the hammock, which was swinging side to side softly with the slight wind that flew across the Glade. He sighed in content and smiled dreamily, his mind thinking of (y/n).
He always dreamt of her, every single night. It didn't matter what happened or where he was, he always thought of her, even if it was just for a few seconds. Running the Maze, mapping it, studying the maps, eating, sleeping... She was always in his mind, whether he liked or not. In this case, he loved to think of her.
She was just perfect.
And even when she had been quite scared of the boys at first, as she was the only girl there in the Glade, he still had tried to get close to her. He sort of did. She only talked to him when she needed someone there with her, just him. She talked to the other boys too, but not in the same way. And that made Minho happy. Very happy.
After a few weeks, though, she was completely fine with the boys. She got used to her new life. She socialized more and made more friends. Minho sometimes felt jealous of Newt or Alby, as (y/n) would be found almost always talking to them, laughing or joking around. But she still dropped anything she was working on to wait for him by the doors of the Maze every day, which calmed the Keeper down a bit. She still preferred his company, after all.
Minho already knew he was falling hard for this girl.
And more than once, the Keeper thought of confessing his feelings. And more than once, he'd keep them in the dark. He was afraid of her reaction.
Minho shifted in his hammock once again, and this time he did open his eyes a bit. It was very dark, the soft and faded light of the torches lit up and hanging off the poles around the Homestead was the only thing that actually helped him see anything as he glanced around, locating each one of the Gladers sleeping in their own hammocks. He lazily turned around a bit and looked at his right, where (y/n)'s hammock was. He had made sure her hammock was next to his, and she never complained about that. Though she used to complain about his loud snores, but she always laughed it off, saying that it was actually adorable. Minho always blushed when she said that.
The Keeper focused his sleepy sight on her hammock. He widened his eyes a bit as he realised that (y/n) wasn't there. Her hammock was empty. Minho panicked slightly as he sat up and looked around him, trying to find her. But she wasn't in the Homestead.
He saw movement outside of the Homestead, a shadow moving, and he was quick to get out of his hammock. He silently made his way through the sleeping Gladers, soon getting out of the Homestead. He looked around and noticed a dark figure moving towards the Gardens silently. It had to be her, as every single boy was sleeping. Minho was sure of that. And he wondered why she was up in the middle of the night, and walking around the Glade. She should be sleeping.
Minho followed the figure silently and only spoke up softly when he was a few feet away from her, startling her.
"Can't sleep?"
(y/n) gasped and turned around just as she was about to walk into the Gardens. She held her hands up to her chest as she stared at the tall Glader, sighing in relief.
"Oh, it's you..." she muttered. "God, you scared me..."
"Sorry," Minho rubbed his neck nervously. "What are you doing up, (y/n)?"
(y/n) was about to answer him when she closed her mouth suddenly, her eyes widening a bit and her cheeks flashing a bit of red as she looked away. Minho furrowed his eyebrows, confused. He felt a slight cold breeze hit his skin, and he shivered. He rubbed his arms softly, trying to keep himself warm, and then realised that he was... shirtless.
Minho then smirked: (y/n) had blushed because he was shirtless. Maybe she likes me too? Minho thought, and smirked even more.
He looked at her, and she was still looking away. She was mumbling something, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. Thanks to the moonlight, Minho could still appreciate the reddish tint on her cheeks. He approached her slowly, smirking.
"What was that?" he asked quietly.
(y/n) shook her head and closed her eyes. "I can't sleep. I... I decided to take a walk around instead."
Minho hummed in response and continued to walk towards her. He stood in front of her, his face inches away from hers. He knew she could feel him breathing softly through his nose, sounding quite close to her, which made her open her eyes and gasped quietly at the sudden closeness. She tried to back away a bit, but he was quick to stop her by wrapping his arms around her frame, bringing her close to him softly. She didn't move away.
Minho smirked once again as he nuzzled his nose against her hair. "I never told you anything because I was afraid of ruining our friendship, but I guess I should just do it and face the consequences..." he mumbled against her head as he hugged her tightly. "I like you, (y/n). A lot."
Minho could feel her heartbeat increase from how close he was holding her. Her arms wrapped around him firmly, and she buried her face in his bare chest, sighing.
"I like you too," she whispered. "Never thought you'd like me back," she said and looked up at him, a bit shocked.
Minho smiled. "Well, I do. Be mine?" he smirked.
(y/n) looked away, blushing again as she nodded. And Minho hugged her again, tighter.
"First date: a midnight walk around the Glade. Just the two of us. Sounds good?" Minho offered after a while of just hugging each other in silence.
He felt her nod against his chest, a big smile spreading across her face when he pulled away from the hug. She looked up at the Keeper, her eyes sparkling. "I have a feeling I'm going to love this date," she said, making Minho smirk.

Minho [Maze Runner] [One-shots]
Fanfic▪ This book contains one-shots about Minho, from The Maze Runner. ▪ Book based, movie based, and AUs. ▪ All are written for female!reader. ▪ CREDITS: Minho and The Maze Runner series belong to James Dashner. ▪ Cover edited by @catharsxs